Oh. My. Stars.
erika, posted in your lj. Guys, you have to go read this. Anne Coulter gets it!
"There were no openings at the post office and I wanted to work with firearms."
If I used emoticons, I'd be bemoaning the lack of one for "swallowing half my tongue howling because my husband is still asleep and I don't want wake him."
That line about white, white, and taupe for variety....
erika rocks.
And the line about Princess Leia wanting her wardrobe back...
Thanks! And I was this close to saying "I can't say that!" and cutting the post office thing. Then, I remembered "Munch said it. I didn't. And he would, so I won't cut it."
More, Kay's POV , at [link]
That's a great idea, amy.
My favorite spam name remains Althea Eggbert.
I got one from somebody named Profirio today.
Crap, and I just deleted all my spam and dumped hte trash and unsubscribed from all of them. Oh, well, I'm sure there will be another load of them tomorrow.
In case you needed further proof that a. I'm on a writing high. b. dateless and have no life whatsoever off of Buffista Island, here it is:
erika, comment posted.
I can't believe I nearly forgot about eyefucking. Wow.
I can't believe I thought of it, really. Just another thing seperating me from the picketfence gals...my knowledge of the verb "eyefuck." My parents are incredibly proud.