In case you needed further proof that a. I'm on a writing high. b. dateless and have no life whatsoever off of Buffista Island, here it is: [link]
Buffista Fic: It Could Be Plot Bunnies
Where the Buffistas let their fanfic creative juices flow. May contain erotica.
erika, comment posted.
I can't believe I nearly forgot about eyefucking. Wow.
I can't believe I thought of it, really. Just another thing seperating me from the picketfence knowledge of the verb "eyefuck." My parents are incredibly proud.
Feeling quite picket fence-y. But since I still haven't recovered from having the word fisting explained to me a couple of years ago, I ain't asking about the eye thing. Someone poked me in the eye with a pencil when I was in the 3rd grade. I'ma pretend you're talking about that.
I feel "Elizabeth McBeth" is a hopeful name for the spam challenge. I might have a go-- it'd have to be limited to a thousand words or an hour or something, but it's a good idea...
Cindy, "eyefucking" isn't sexual. It's what the real homicide guys in David Simon's book referred to as the big staredown from the perp. Basically, the handcuffed one would turn the long slow evil glare on the cop and the cop would snort, turn to his partner, and say "huh. check this. Asshole's trying to eyefuck me." A power thing.
Shrift, that is sooooo bookmarked. I'll curl up with it later - I was hoping you'd finish it.
Well, Lindsey and Angel make the eyefuck fraught with sexual possibilities.
Heh. They do indeed.
But I was being nonporny for Cindy, because the meaning, unlike "fisting", has only the sexual content of two tomcats, circling for territory.
yeah, think more "fucking with" than "fucking", huh? Am now having an image of Carrie trying to explain to a child that just because Aunt Kay says something it doesn't mean she can say it.Like that Ethan Rayne story with the baby and Cthulu.