Yeah, but that doesn't explain why
Spike was struggling and letting out air bubbles and gasping and spitting up water
.... On the other hand,
if this were the case then Xander would have to come along and give Spike mouth to mouth .. .. Mouth on mouth. .. .. Tongues. .. .. .. ..
Or, you know, it could be midgets.
Because he can't keep his mouth shut.
Also, because human actor.
Hell, if I can accept them smoking...
Okay, yeah, human actor, but
and they know it! They should have picked a better torture... Involving whips and chains and maybe Xander somehow.
A breathing vampire.
I'll go to be soon. I promise.
Was there an original question about settings and things like that?
I think I asked it in fanfiction, hoping to get some people to talk while y'all were in the Buffy thread.
In vain, for the most part.
Actually, after last night's ep, plus the Big Rubber Satan on
I was thinking "OMG! Plei is prophetic! The world IS going to end!!!" Although, sadly, without crossover-y goodness.
Or all the screwing.
t /Faith.
By the way, connie, today I was talking about the latest Buffy with my husband and our friend Steve, you know, Steve, the big guy with chains. Anyway, I was talking about the lame ass water torture (there should only be Chinese) and started to talk about how cool the manual trepanning and brain poking was before I stopped in confusion because I remembered that it was your fic, and not the show.