Yeah, but "Homicide" people are scary and hard-core. Too. In some ways they are worse than we are...they have procedure and a book as source material. :) Although it's funny, I got an e-mail from one this am that is caps-free...need to wait a few hours to answer so I don't ask if a capital letter killed her brother or something.ETA: Mail answered, snark averted. Archiving rather implies I'm gonna be finished one day and I'm thinking this is the fic that wouldn't die.I keep thinking "Oh, I have to..." and "Wouldn't that be cool if..."
Buffista Fic: It Could Be Plot Bunnies
Where the Buffistas let their fanfic creative juices flow. May contain erotica.
I didn't finish posting the scene yesterday so here's the last little bit:
"So, how much *do* you know about me?" Tim asks. "Do I have any birthmarks?"
"Don't know," Willow says, being pert. He can't tell if she's kidding. "Didn't check. But if you'll wait a few minutes..."
He looks horrified. "No, no, I believe just creeps me out. That's a wiggins, right?"
"Classic, Tim. Can I call you Tim, or would you like to go back to Detective?"
"Call me Tim. You already know more about me than my mother might as well."
"Call me Tim. You already know more about me than my mother might as well."
Snerk. I've never seen Homicide, but that's a great line regardless.
Thanks! And if you get a chance see it., never?! No wonder it was "The Best Show You're Not Watching"...although I was part of the "you' with a girly roommate who liked to watch blind people come out of comas with the power of true love and such.
Oh, Plei?
There's porn in your LJ. At your request.
B/F. In a dumpster. I apologised to erika...
So, a whole new meaning for "carrying on like trash," One day I'll be able to see them as receptacles again...maybe.
"So any theories? On this whole second adolescence thing? Which, I suppose, you'd have to go through the first time to know why I find it an absolutely chilling prospect."
"Um, we're thinking 'spell'. On the chocolate mixture."
"Like...'cauldron burn and cauldron boil'? That kind of spell? That is so freaky. What kind of place is this where even your food can be...enchanted and there's nothing you can do. There ought to be a law, Willow."
"There are. They're not like the ones you're used to, though. And, yeah, you got it, even if cauldrons are a little retro. Most potions can be warmed up in the microwave now."
"Remind me when this is over to ask you about that, but for right now....does Sunnydale have a head shop, still?"
"I'm guessing they don't sell hats," Willow said.
"No, more like 'expanded consciousness', if you get my drift." He actually made those little quotey things with his fingers like on LA Law reruns...Willow had never seen that in real life.
"Oh, of course! The Magic Box."
"More like The Magic Bus," Tim corrected. "Munch is probably there...he ate the most of anybody. He used to use his body like a pharmacy."
"You sound jealous," Willow said. "No offense."
"Jealous? No, that's decadent and disgusting...I don't wanna do that. But I would like to be more than the one that can type with all his fingers."
"A dog-geyser person! I know..."
Bayliss looked puzzled.
Willow amended "Ok, so maybe that was a little too much of an intra-Scooby thing...but if it'll make you feel better I was completely freaked when you backtalked me...made me wonder what kind of loose cannon I was dealing with...whether I needed backup, even."
"You're not just saying that." Tim asked.
"No, you can be really scary. But kind of virile, too."
"That's the nicest thing anybody's ever said to me, Willow Rosenburg. And you have that whole sexy know-it-all thing going. Oz is a lucky guy."
oh my LORD, erika.
Is Tim gonna get it on with pre-gay teenaged witchy Willow?
Wow, that would make my enemies happy, cause I really would be, you know, fucking myself. But there is a little something there, isn't there?
(continues bouncing, imagining genuinely teenaged Wil with Candy-induced teenager Tim)