I am ALREADY marrying erika.
erika? "Intensely readable" is one of the single biggest compliments I offer, anyone, anywhere, any time.
Where the Buffistas let their fanfic creative juices flow. May contain erotica.
I am ALREADY marrying erika.
erika? "Intensely readable" is one of the single biggest compliments I offer, anyone, anywhere, any time.
Second drabble, same theme.
A Memory of Breakfast
It was four AM, a rainy Roman not-quite-morning. Spike and Dru had been dancing; Dru had got herself a lovely absurd pair of four-inch heels, all fluttering satin ribbons, and Spike had taken her to a goth club near Trastavere. Under dim lights and pulsing music, they moved close together, sensual, frightening.
When they sat down beside the girl, one at each shoulder, she barely had time to register fear.
"Spike," Dru said, touching the girl's slender neck, "we never had dinner."
Damn, Deb. I know the work it took to get to the point where you can drabble like that, but man, it feels like water, just dripping off the ends of your fingers. Effortless, inevitable, every word.
erika, I'll just love you from afar, since I can't get near for all your spouses. Cindy, going back to read yours now.
Aw, Cindy, you made me miss both of them. And you made me sad for what might have been. I really would have liked to see them in an acknowledged-- and acknowledgable--relationship.
I always had the thought that Joyce and Rupert might have brought out both the best and the worst in each other. It would have been an interesting longterm dynamic, to say the least.
Aw, you guys...thanks, so glad you like it, and my little masturbatory wordplay, and like that(equivalent to, not about, at least till Munchkin shows up again.)But I can never archive, because my LOTS canon is all fucked up(to use a very technical term in fandom) Beau and Kay don't even start to shag for another two years, but I like the Transgressive Partner Sex for the drama and angst...and it's kind of a load-bearing boink now...the whole story hinges on it.Damn Court TV for showing them out of order, cause on most shows there are more physical cues in terms of hair clothes...whatever.(Except KS can never go to the barber alone, ever. So mote it be.)And Ripper/Joyce=sexy, but you knew that. Way 5300 being a Buffista has changed me, when I thought Chris, Ade, and "Daniela" were gonna have a three-way, I was like "Ooh" and my mom was like "Ew."
erika, you archive and say it's AU fic (alternative underwear, I think it's for special spirits)
Yeah, but "Homicide" people are scary and hard-core. Too. In some ways they are worse than we are...they have procedure and a book as source material. :) Although it's funny, I got an e-mail from one this am that is caps-free...need to wait a few hours to answer so I don't ask if a capital letter killed her brother or something.ETA: Mail answered, snark averted. Archiving rather implies I'm gonna be finished one day and I'm thinking this is the fic that wouldn't die.I keep thinking "Oh, I have to..." and "Wouldn't that be cool if..."
I didn't finish posting the scene yesterday so here's the last little bit:
"So, how much *do* you know about me?" Tim asks. "Do I have any birthmarks?"
"Don't know," Willow says, being pert. He can't tell if she's kidding. "Didn't check. But if you'll wait a few minutes..."
He looks horrified. "No, no, I believe you...it just creeps me out. That's a wiggins, right?"
"Classic, Tim. Can I call you Tim, or would you like to go back to Detective?"
"Call me Tim. You already know more about me than my mother does...you might as well."
"Call me Tim. You already know more about me than my mother does...you might as well."
Snerk. I've never seen Homicide, but that's a great line regardless.