I just wrote straight-up smut. Ditto. I put it on Friends lock in lj(belated return to modesty and probity.) I'm all sweaty now...I must be doing something right. I've got...authority issues, I think. Damn.And I'm very dirty, somewhere in there. Proud and afraid, I am. Also afraid that what I wrote doesn't reflect the filthy image in my head. That damn physical body thing again. It's Ripper/Kay.
Buffista Fic: It Could Be Plot Bunnies
Where the Buffistas let their fanfic creative juices flow. May contain erotica.
I'm not on lj. Will you e-mail it to me?
You know what? Fuck it. I can trust y'all, right? Promise you'll only laugh at the jokes? And Hec, keep it out of my dossier, mmkay? Unless it does it for you...that would be a point of some pride. OK, going public...."I'm here! I'm a perv. Something something." Give me a minute. Sj, the link gods are not cooperating, insent shortly. Rather more(cleans glasses) passion than technique is involved, I'm afraid. Suggestions welcomed.
I can trust y'all, right?
t gives best innocent look
You Linda Tripp me and I'll send ita after you.:) (Wow, third Lewinsky ref in a week. WTF?) Insent anyway...don't know why the halfassed link is not working. Cause God hates me.
erika, DUDESSE, I am so on my way there; I need to finish cooking and then over to read.
meanwhile, my sunday 100 drabble numero uno. Theme is photographs/snapshots:
Under Glass
The photo sits on Wesley's desk.
At first glance, there's nothing special about it: just a group shot, taken at a recent HQ gala at Wolfram & Hart. Fred, ravishing in a dress that shows her collarbones, staring straight into the lens. Gunn, sensational and dapper in a tux. Angel, imposing in full formal, in front of an enormous mirror, somehow incomplete without his reflection. Lorne, the emcee, laughing and lifting a glass. Cordelia is sadly missing.
The reason Wesley keeps it: Shimmering and shadowy in one corner, nearly transparent, an elegant, blue-gowned ghost who looks very much like Lilah.
Wow, nice. Where does one find the Sunday 100?
Livejournal, sj. One of the groups; search under usergroups, I think.
Drabble the second (sunday100 allows you three a week).
Under Flesh: Darla
She takes the photos out, one by one, handling them lightly, carefully, setting them down when done. It's a kind of ritual.
A favourite shows Angelus, smiling, his ridges touched with blood, a limp pale body dangling from one hand. She smiles fondly. A messy eater, her darling boy. but irresistable.
One of Dru, crooning to the child she was feeding on. Here was Spike with a screaming nun, joined by two strangers for the meal.
There are dozens of them, her trophies, her memories, portable, cherished. Golden and febrile, Darla stands in a patch of moonlight, smiling and remembering.