Fixed, to read:
He rolls it, flexes it, kneels carefully. The guitar case has three snap-latches; the first two are fine, third latch, the hand skitters across the top. Fucking tease.
I wanted to keep the staccato rhythm of it, since despite the third person, the hand is really being viewed through a filter of Lindsey's exasperation with it.
Ok, then...Lindsey's hand works whole body. Because, essentially the wiring is only indifferently connected. My brain sends messages that only parts of me can pick up. Which freaks out the muscles(don't you love my mastery of all these technical concepts?)
Sj, most excellent rendition of the Buffy & Giles relationship. Good voices, too.
erika, it's also pretty similar to what the MS does, in terms of signals.
I grok the Evil Hand, but mine's my left one.
Good voices, too.
Thank you. I need to hear this because I had myself convinced that I couldn't write dialogue.
Deb, I love the evil hand story. I also understand the body not doing what you want/expect it to do.
I just wrote straight-up smut. Ditto. I put it on Friends lock in lj(belated return to modesty and probity.) I'm all sweaty now...I must be doing something right. I've got...authority issues, I think. Damn.And I'm very dirty, somewhere in there. Proud and afraid, I am. Also afraid that what I wrote doesn't reflect the filthy image in my head. That damn physical body thing again. It's Ripper/Kay.
I'm not on lj. Will you e-mail it to me?
You know what? Fuck it. I can trust y'all, right? Promise you'll only laugh at the jokes? And Hec, keep it out of my dossier, mmkay? Unless it does it for you...that would be a point of some pride.
OK, going public...."I'm here! I'm a perv. Something something." Give me a minute. Sj, the link gods are not cooperating, insent shortly.
Rather more(cleans glasses) passion than technique is involved, I'm afraid. Suggestions welcomed.
I can trust y'all, right?
t gives best innocent look
You Linda Tripp me and I'll send ita after you.:) (Wow, third Lewinsky ref in a week. WTF?) Insent anyway...don't know why the halfassed link is not working. Cause God hates me.
erika, DUDESSE, I am so on my way there; I need to finish cooking and then over to read.
meanwhile, my sunday 100 drabble numero uno. Theme is photographs/snapshots:
Under Glass
The photo sits on Wesley's desk.
At first glance, there's nothing special about it: just a group shot, taken at a recent HQ gala at Wolfram & Hart. Fred, ravishing in a dress that shows her collarbones, staring straight into the lens. Gunn, sensational and dapper in a tux. Angel, imposing in full formal, in front of an enormous mirror, somehow incomplete without his reflection. Lorne, the emcee, laughing and lifting a glass. Cordelia is sadly missing.
The reason Wesley keeps it: Shimmering and shadowy in one corner,
nearly transparent, an elegant, blue-gowned ghost who looks very much like Lilah.