Threeing on the loving-the-story, Cindy, but the stuttering only works in spoken dialogue. She wouldn't stutter in her own thoughts, surely?
I wish I could write Tara. She's lovely, and poignant.
Where the Buffistas let their fanfic creative juices flow. May contain erotica.
Threeing on the loving-the-story, Cindy, but the stuttering only works in spoken dialogue. She wouldn't stutter in her own thoughts, surely?
I wish I could write Tara. She's lovely, and poignant.
Wrod. I put the next revised bit in lj. [link]
A Due South flashfiction story of mine is up: "The Fellowship Goes South"
Threeing on the loving-the-story, Cindy, but the stuttering only works in spoken dialogue. She wouldn't stutter in her own thoughts, surely?
I was trying it as if she was telling it to someone, hence the stuttering. Thing is, nobody has revealed to me who she's telling it to yet, so I may go back and change it. I tried to make Xander's narration conversational as well, for that as of yet undefined audience.
I either have to come up with a plan, or change it, I guess.
Cindy, in re stuttering - I stutter when I actually speak, but not when I'm thinking (or singing). So Tara probably wouldn't stutter when thinking to herself, or imagining conversations with someone.
Deb, the Darla drabble and the others were lovely--but you have such a gift for Darla, and few others do.
Cindy, I agree about the stutter, but otherwise you've captured Tara, perceptions, hesitations, reservations and wholeheartedness. You made me miss her.
I love the drabbles. I don't think I can do one though I did get sucked into the coworkers one from last week.I can't say much in 100 words, apparently. Deb, "Someone to Watch over Me" is my favorite, though I thought they were all a dark sort of way.
Thankee, ma'am. My own personal fave of those three was the post-war Paris with Spike and Dru dancing around a dead girl while listening to her Edith Piaf records. "I Have No Regrets". Right. Little did Spike know...
That was good, too. I've tried to write Dru before and I can't do it...I'm not quite the woman of 1000 voices.
I can't do Dru for more than a few lines of dialogue, but that one was a vignette, and her voice? Not needed.
I have a tendency to make Buffy a bit too decisive when I write her - her uberslayertude comes out for some reason. Spike I can do, GIles I can do forever.
Must have a shot at Wesley, someday, but Plei gives the Best. Wes. Ever.