Minor alterations:
Pembleton snorted "If you're that whipped by girls who aren't giving you anything, Tim, I hate to see what your girlfriend could do,"
"You're such a pig, Frank." Tim was methodically unwrapping a candy bar and breaking it into tiny pieces he placed in his mouth like Communion wafers. He only does fidgety stuff like that to make me crazy, Pembleton thought.
"If you want that chocolate, be a man and eat it. Don't make me sit here and watch you maul it first...it's not natural."
"I'm just trying to appreciate what I have."
"By subjecting me to public mastication?"
"I'm sure he wouldn't do that in front of anyone," Munch said.
"It means chewing, you moron!" Pembleton snapped.
"Oh, right, Anybody holding? Cause I went through my stash last night." Munch said.
Tim's eyes widened. "You mean...like grass?" Caught between awe and fear, he whispered. "My cousin took grass and he got all paran...never mind. But that crap'll kill you."
"Yeah. I saw that movie too. Real funny. And marijuana is always 'shit'."
"Why? Aren't they the same word?"
"Don't know. It's a rule...that's why I want you to read "Fear and Loathing...Hunter Thompson will change your life."
"I don't want to change my life," Bayliss said.
"You should."
Pembleton and Felton laughed. Kay glared at them, but it took Giardello's commanding presence to make them stop. "Detective Howard, just the person I'm looking for. I need you to run over and check on the paperwork for the Peterman autopsy...it's in the Bermuda triangle that is our fax machine. And find out what that smell is."
It was hard sounding like herself. "Sure, Gee. Want some chocolate?"
"No, I love it, but it's hard on my digestive system. Forget shootings...getting old is murder. If not for the alternative, I wouldn't recommend it.
Kay came back a few minutes later, looking shaken and green around the gills.
"You guys," she said, dropping her purse on the table, "Our job is *so* gross. I had to look at this report that was all about guts and stuff. So disgusting. And with pictures...I did it cause I had to but ew...look!"
Tim studied the photos. "Yep. Pretty disgusting. I would've barfed."
"We're lucky Kay's tougher than you," Frank pointed out.
" She's not...ok, just a little," Tim said.Kay beamed.
"Big deal," Beau said. "Everyone's tougher than Timmy."
"That's not what you said last week when I beat you arm-wrestling at the Wharf Rat!" Kay teased.
"The tables down there are old. They slant."
"And I had home table advantage...and the sun was in your eyes, huh?"
"I don't play well with inferior equipment."
"So that's what the counseling's for. Face it, I beat you 10-3...I should at least get stamina points."