I vote chestnut hunter, gelding, warmblood. English-bred, heavier boned than a thoroughbred, big enough to be in scale for a large woman, but a bit more placid and easy to control. With that hair she'd look fine on a chestnut.
By easier to control, I mean a freakout would be less freaky than with a hotblooded thoroughbred. Don't have the names of the breeds to hand, but hunter should do it.
Back to read erika's and shrift's.
Oh, definitely a nice solid hunter. I'm thinking in the 16 hands height.
But the name, the name, the name. Her father's horse was almost catlike for me - I knew the animal's name was Lothian. And since his hawk is named Gaheris, after one of the Lothian boys, I sense a theme. But there weren't really any placid Lothian boys in the Arthurian legend.
And anyway, it's Char's horse. Shit, I need a name.....
Would she name it something romantic as a weakness or for snark? You know, big strong no-nonsense sort of woman--named her horse Galahad or something? Or to poke fun at dear dad? I don't know my mythology well enough to suggest anything that isn't arthurian. Brains consistency of slush tonight. This morning.
shrift, I left feedback in LJ. I'm arliss. Damn, woman.
And erika, I just sit back and watch it all unspool from your mind. I'm so amazed at how "effortlessly" you come up with these scenarios and riffs and how concretely and consistently you nail the voices. As Deb says, you gots voice.
I'm wondering if, Char being Char, she wouldn't name a big chestnut gelding something like "Blondie".
O lordylordlord, a beautiful injoke for me. Because the wife of the man who invented the noise reduction system company for which I worked for a few years - a company that rhymes with Shmolby - is called Dagmar.
Oh yes. A chestnut gelding named Dagmar. Must consider this...
Dagmar is lovely, As is Chestnut. I think if she were going with the Authorian theme, from what little I'm gathering, the horse should be straight up Lancelot.
I like Dagmar. It sounds like Char.
And I am for falling into bed. 'Morrow.
Modern times? One of these for her.
Oh. my. word.
Those are totally Charlotte horses. Hungarian warmbloods? And they're humongous, too.
Jeeeez. I haven't been on horseback since Jo was a baby in London, but I am lusting after one of those.
Victor, Char's - unique. She has a sort of thing where she says anything that comes into her head, and the first take is to assume it's because she's a privileged wellborn twit. But she's not a twit, and she's very wam. First time she meets my protagonist, Ringan, she tells him, pumping his hand, that she wants to take him behind a car and shag him. Ringan's girlfriend comes to love her, rather fiercely. Char would totally call a horse Dagmar.
But I think a mare for the Hungarian warmblood, because I want one who is generally placid for this scene, to take Char by surprise.
And I've just realised, I'm in fic, not Great Write. Argh! Sorry...