"Faith, look. I know we've had differences in the past." Buffy paused. "Okay, we've tried to
each other in the past. But what we're in the middle of right now is big, and scary, and it's not going to stand by while we fight over things that happened a long time ago. Now, we can really use your help. It might make the difference we need to defeat the First. But only if we put aside what happened between us and work together. Can you do that?"
"That's why I'm here, Buffy," Faith said. "I'm not here to fight you. That's over. That green demon guy who works with Angel can read minds, or see the future, or something. He said I needed to come here. So I'm here. Whatever you need, I'm your girl."
Faith stood, extending her arm, hand out, to Buffy. "Okay?"
Buffy took it. "Okay."
Without warning, Faith pulled Buffy to her with preternatural speed. Her eyes flashed golden as ridges distorted her once-familiar face. Before anyone could react, Faith tore into Buffy's jugular vein.
AttaSteph! I could damned well see that training session.
(beta reader, preening insufferably)
So. Titles? Elena suggested something with "Fides," which is Latin for "Faith."
Nothing is jumping out and grabbing me.
"No Hope, No Charity"
(because I feel silly and am unable to think of titles at all these days, for some lame reason)
"No Hope, No Charity"
Heh. I'm telling you, I can' think of anything.
I don't really want to use the word "Faith," because it'll be obvious.
What would be the Latin for "Lost Faith"?
Does the title have to reflect Faith? Libera Nos (gack, my Latin is an MS and no-use casualty: I was trying for "Deliver Us", in the prayer sense)
No, it doesn't have to reflect Faith -- that was just one idea. I am so tapped out.
Problem is, I like oblique portmanteau reference titles. So I'd be likely to go for something like "Nothing Under The Sun" (no sunlight for Faith, nothing new under the sun....)
Hence "Needfire" as a title. Portmanteau meaning-word.
But then, I'm a freak. And my typing sucks tonight. Sore hands.
I like, Steph, but I'm having a hard time buying Buffy allowing Faith in without checking for signs of vamping first. YBMV.