AttaSteph! I could damned well see that training session.
Thankee, beta mine.
Where the Buffistas let their fanfic creative juices flow. May contain erotica.
AttaSteph! I could damned well see that training session.
Thankee, beta mine.
"No Hope, No Charity"
(because I feel silly and am unable to think of titles at all these days, for some lame reason)
"No Hope, No Charity"
Heh. I'm telling you, I can' think of anything.
I don't really want to use the word "Faith," because it'll be obvious.
What would be the Latin for "Lost Faith"?
Does the title have to reflect Faith? Libera Nos (gack, my Latin is an MS and no-use casualty: I was trying for "Deliver Us", in the prayer sense)
No, it doesn't have to reflect Faith -- that was just one idea. I am so tapped out.
Problem is, I like oblique portmanteau reference titles. So I'd be likely to go for something like "Nothing Under The Sun" (no sunlight for Faith, nothing new under the sun....)
Hence "Needfire" as a title. Portmanteau meaning-word.
But then, I'm a freak. And my typing sucks tonight. Sore hands.
I like, Steph, but I'm having a hard time buying Buffy allowing Faith in without checking for signs of vamping first. YBMV.
No, I'm good with oblique titles -- my long-ass fic set between S5 and S6 is titled "Graveyard Shift," and there's nary a graveyard to be seen.
I'm just in brain-lock on this one.
I like, Steph, but I'm having a hard time buying Buffy allowing Faith in without checking for signs of vamping first. YBMV.
I thought about that, and I chalked it up to being way more concerned about the FE. That IS a good point, and it's a weak point that I just waved my hand at because I wrote it because I love the last image.
I had my own issue with her not twigging on the "Can I Come In?" bit, but after all, Faith has no reason to assume she'd be welcome there. So for the sake of the dramatic flow, I think Buffy - who also tends to bend over way too far to accommodate anyone about whom she even thinks she's unjustly nourished a Bad Thought - would welcome her in.