Buffista Fic: It Could Be Plot Bunnies
Where the Buffistas let their fanfic creative juices flow. May contain erotica.
I can't help being zip like a bunny, damnit. It's how I work. I shall now go out in the garden and eat worms.
(Actually, Nic left work at a reasonable hour and will phone when he's close to home and then I'm going out and getting in the car and having Mexican food, which is of the happy-making)
I shall now go out in the garden and eat worms.
then I'm going out and getting in the car and having Mexican food
Worms con Queso?
Lovely, Deb, particularly the tongue-palate bit. Yummy tingles. But I want to quarrel with her use of "phenomenal" to describe her own sight. It is, simply, how she sees. Someone else might call it phenomenal, but would she?
Your call, obviously. Just twinged me a bit. Otherwise, more, please.
Elena, do we get to read the men-dig-graves piece?
Teppy, I'm glad the darvocet's talking, since presumably that means it's also painkilling. Or at least pain-hamstringing.
Darvocet from 1998? OKay to take?
Absolutely no way of knowing if it's expired. Probably. Are the tablets flakey, soft, mottled, smelly, or discoloured?
Please say yes, as I took one half an hour ago and don't wish to induce emesis.
Why people don't ask
they ingest shit I'll never know. It won't hurt you. Might not work, but it won't hurt you.
Are the tablets flakey, soft, mottled, smelly, or discoloured?
No, no, no, no, and no.
Please say yes, as I took one half an hour ago and don't wish to induce emesis.
Why people don't ask before they ingest shit I'll never know.
Because I was OUT OF MY MIND with pain today.
It won't hurt you. Might not work, but it won't hurt you.
Then at best the pain gets dulled, and at worst I'm exactly where I am now. My kind of odds.
Bev, you're quite right. Off to fix. Which is why I am BEGGING for a beta reader or two, once it's done? From top to tail? I know it's long (it'already at 9000 words and it isn't done), but please? Someone?
Bev, it starts here Elena "Bitchy Fic: It Could Be Plot Bunnies" Feb 26, 2003 12:25:16 am EST
By the way, does anyone have any title suggestions? I was thinking 'Unceremonious' or 'Unceremoniously' because it's remixed from a story called 'Ceremony'.
Thanks, Elena. Bookmarked.
Now. I have a question. This is me in the front row with my hand waving wildly to be Deb's beta...but.
Exactly what does a beta reader do? I'm a kickass editor, and a good line-editor. But I've never really grokked "beta reading." Someone please 'splain.
Elena, maybe "lack of Ceremony"?
Bev, basically what you did for me on Famous Flower and are now doing for Matty Groves, but with a bit more indepth immediacy. basically, it's the pre-release readover.
Some betas are good with the grammar and the spotting of tense switches and typos and awkward sentences and stuff. And some concentrate on characters, the right voice, the right action, consistency and stuff. And some just like to see the good fic before anyone else...
And, sometimes, it's all of the above and more.