Elena, maybe "lack of Ceremony"?
Bev, basically what you did for me on Famous Flower and are now doing for Matty Groves, but with a bit more indepth immediacy. basically, it's the pre-release readover.
Where the Buffistas let their fanfic creative juices flow. May contain erotica.
Elena, maybe "lack of Ceremony"?
Bev, basically what you did for me on Famous Flower and are now doing for Matty Groves, but with a bit more indepth immediacy. basically, it's the pre-release readover.
Some betas are good with the grammar and the spotting of tense switches and typos and awkward sentences and stuff. And some concentrate on characters, the right voice, the right action, consistency and stuff. And some just like to see the good fic before anyone else...
And, sometimes, it's all of the above and more.
What Elena said.
Bev's been a beta-editor for the integrity of the humanity and scare factors for the last two books. juliana has been beta reading both novels. Betsy did costume advice and other beta stuff on "Weaver". All are thanked on the acknowlegements page of the books.
This might should go to email, but your stuff is always so close to finished there doesn't seem to be much I can tell you, Deb. The nitpicky word choice, typo, punctuation.
I tend not to mention content, especially reading in sections. Unless it veers wildly into the no-way-Jose territory, I figure content is the writer's bailiwick, and I really reserve opinion till I read the whole thing.
Is that adequate? Or do you want someone more upfront about content? Anyone?
Well, in the novels, it's exactly as you called it: the content is there, and I don't do first drafts, essentially my stuff is complete, but I need it for flow and pacing and to get touchstones for what works and what doesn't.
But these are my maiden forays into fanfic, so I'd love a closer eye by person or persons more familiar with how they meld into the existing canon.
Sure, okay, I can understand that. But keep posting it here, okay? I have to know what happens/ed next!
(deb, babe, close the loose t b tag in yr post 2165!)
t ed. & I'd be jumping to beta, but I can't do it right now. Real-life stuff. You have my sincere regrets, though.
closed. For some reason, I bolded to open and italicised to close. This is likely because I'm a 'frelling brainfried woman who is awaiting dinner and drugs....
closed. For some reason, I bolded to open and italicised to close.
Dude, I do that all the time.
Except I t /a to close italics. Which is worse, really.
whoohoo! Husband! Burrito, here comes me!
back later.