It's a combination of the two. Something happens to one of the characters that compels the others to start searching their memories. Pretty soon, it's obvious to a couple of them that what they remember doesn't quite jibe with received history.
I see. I'd be inclinded to go for a selection of the things you mentioned, then. If there's going to be more than one episode of flashback, doing it one way for one character and subtly differently for another could be very effective.
my entire story has been inspired by fanwanking.
Best kind.
Hmm. Cool. That really does help, y'all. Thanks!
I'm going to have Andrew and Wes watch The Lion in Winter.
Hee. The notion, she amuses.
Plei! One of my alltime favourite movies, one of my two favourite soundtracks.
Who is Andrew going to identify with? I'm thinking he'll lurve Phillip and Richard dealing....
So I need info on firearms. Gack.
What's a gun we could assume certain members of Wolfram and Hart might be carrying? And how many bullets to a clip?
Dana, I have a decent assumption, based on the physical look, but I'll have to ask Paul the specs.
Signed, only likes to fire revolvers, and therefore can't remember the details on other types.
I feel like it's 8 or 9 bullets, but I have no idea where that's coming from.
It's also hard to come up with a decent Google phrase.
.38mm semi automatic clip capacity glock.
I hate guns with a passion (I'm a blade woman), but I have been unable to so much as glance at W&H members like Gavin without thinking "Glock."
They just look like they'd be carrying Glocks. Street cred and all....