So I need info on firearms. Gack.
What's a gun we could assume certain members of Wolfram and Hart might be carrying? And how many bullets to a clip?
Where the Buffistas let their fanfic creative juices flow. May contain erotica.
So I need info on firearms. Gack.
What's a gun we could assume certain members of Wolfram and Hart might be carrying? And how many bullets to a clip?
Dana, I have a decent assumption, based on the physical look, but I'll have to ask Paul the specs.
Signed, only likes to fire revolvers, and therefore can't remember the details on other types.
I feel like it's 8 or 9 bullets, but I have no idea where that's coming from.
It's also hard to come up with a decent Google phrase.
.38mm semi automatic clip capacity glock.
I hate guns with a passion (I'm a blade woman), but I have been unable to so much as glance at W&H members like Gavin without thinking "Glock."
They just look like they'd be carrying Glocks. Street cred and all....
Hmm. Lot of hits for "counterstrike", which is a game, yeah?
It is looking like the capacity is more than I initally thought. Hmm.
(Also, PMM, a pathetic insent to your profile addy a couple hours ago.)
Okay. I'll ask Paul when I get home.
Don't worry about it. I'm poking the Glock website, since that was my first instinct too, and you and Deb concurred.
I like shooting, much to the chagrin of my Eastern liberal soul. Turns out I'm good at it, too.
Dana: it holds the max for non-Law Enforcement, which is ten.
The magazine holds ten.
(I called him)