I tend to avoid all possible sound when working, except for Plainsong (novel). That one was written listening to Suzanne Vega's "Solitude Standing."
Connie, your choices are exemplary. I say that because Doyle's Henry V soundtrack is one of my two favourite soundtracks ever, period.
I really should, you know, finish stuff.
Finish ... stuff. Finish?
If I weren't posting stuff where people very flatteringly ask for more, I'd never finish anything.
Let's see...
Imposters In This Country was written, in large part (big shock for those who have read it, I'm sure) in the car, with Paul driving and me on the Laptop. I demanded road trips just to write it.
America was vast. Beyond vast, really. Large to the point of vulgarity. It wasn't without its interesting parts, but they tended to be clustered together, and getting to them involved making one's way through an awful lot of nothing in particular. In short, America was a country that could have used a good editor.
Was written in the middle of BFE, with me thirsty as hell and about an hour in any direction from a 7-11.
Because it was written in the car, it had a soundtrack. Specifically, we listened to Scarlet's Walk a *lot* when we were driving, which is where the title (and the intentional use of the -er spelling of a word more correctly and commonly spelled -or) comes from.
If the words are flowing, the music all becomes background, though I do tend to use it to set a mood.
America was a country that could have used a good editor.
Ah. One of my favorite lines from that fic.
It depends on the section of what I'm writing, pretty obviously. I'll pull out the schmaltzy power ballads for happy love scenes, Pat Benatar for angsty love scenes, and anything with lots of guitars and drums for violence. I should put together "Music to Write By" mixes, but I don't have a burner.
Connie, I have everything on MP3, so I make playlists to write by.
I have everything on MP3
I bet you have a hard drive bigger than 2 gig, too. No, that's not a typo, that's a 2. And a 14.4 dialup modem for downloads. Gah, it took me an hour and a half to get Tracy Chapman's "Give Me One Reason," but gods, that's a great song.
The MP3s are on a 40 gig drive, the videos are on a 100 gig drive. The main drive on this box is either a 15 or 20 gig one. I have 27 gigs of music, and almost 7,000 songs.
Going to stop nattering and post a bit of the Imposters sequel in a mo.
I'll go by fits and start as to what I listen to when writing. For the ginormous Homicide/Sailor Moon fic, I've been listening to the second DS soundtrack, "Poem" by Delerium, Peter Gabriel's new album, Rasputina's "Cabin Fever," and the TTT soundtrack.