I'll likely do both, Steph. It's just a question of fitting them in.
Will post in sections, as work progresses.
My writers group people are late, damnit. Luckily, it's an indestructible dinner (pasta y fagioli alla tenore, simmering away). But they're still late and we have at least four people wanting to read tonight.
You know what's fun? Editing fic with a soundtrack. I've been pulling together "Reflections" to the soundtrack to Branagh's
Henry V.
I had the Battle of Harfleur backing up the destruction of the Council and St. Crispin's behind Giles on the train platform asking Ethan to help. Boy, mood music really does pump up storytelling. I feel like putting recommended music in with this.
But I won't.
I wrote almost all of On the Edge (the trip through Wes's mind during Billy) while listening to Closer and Head like a Hole.
My Ethan/Giles story is done and posted. At Shriftweb and my site
And at fanfiction, just because.
Should I be pleased or ridiculously smug about it?
I, personally, am pleased any time any writer in here gets a plot bunny, and will continue to do my part in breeding or shooing them into hutches every darn chance I get. I love reading this thread. Thank you all so much.
I had a whole Depeche Mode based soundtrack for Dark They Were.
It was slashtastic.
I have a bunny that I need to finish SOON, because of show timeline issues.
Bad Steph! Bad!
I'm just reviewing my 'work in progress' folder, speaking of bunnies. One Han/Luke story, planned to be long, that I've run out of steam for; one Oz/Angel, which I need to recover my copy of Epiphany from the naughty borrower in order to finish; one Spike and Dru story that I have some ideas about, but which needs research into Victoiran London; one Hawkeye/BJ story, started the other day; and an epic that's out for betaing.
I really should, you know,
I tend to avoid all possible sound when working, except for Plainsong (novel). That one was written listening to Suzanne Vega's "Solitude Standing."
Connie, your choices are exemplary. I say that because Doyle's Henry V soundtrack is one of my two favourite soundtracks ever, period.
I really should, you know, finish stuff.
Finish ... stuff. Finish?
If I weren't posting stuff where people very flatteringly ask for more, I'd never finish anything.