I want to know what happens later. Giles is supposed to trust her and she's got the slayer's incorporeal self. What happened, exactly, that made Buffy describe it as "being in heaven"? What happens to Amanda now that this is over? Does she go back to Giles? Did Giles trust her? Was he right to trust her from his perspective, considering that, as far as he knew, Buffy died and was brought back by "foul" means? Does he want to know more? Does he go looking for Amanda's home? If he does, does he find it? Can Amanda help somehow with this season's big bad?
I could think of more....
"Reflections of a Spinning Mirror"
almost there. Gods, this is hard. And I'm enjoying it immensely.
edit: "The Two-Faced God Considers His Reflection"
a wee bit high on the pretention scale, but it's easier than trying to summarize the whole thesis I came up with re: two faces being the person plus the reflection they see and the whole dichotomy of mirror universes and being one's opposite. Which might be interesting if you consider Ethan and Giles to be reflections of each other.
And I'll stop now.
Small dingy lightbulb thing goes off. Got it; I was so focused on her being that walk-through bit of interesting that I didn't think of applying her present tense, or brief stint as functional slayer. There might be some stuff there to play with, too. Suppose you get confronted with something like a Turocan and you're both a slayer AND a witch? The slayer might have to battle the wonk right out of it (vide Buffy showing the Slayerettes), but the witch, assuming she hadn't been de-pithed by the writing staff into wicca-wh-won'tatude? One good French cussword-spell and what happens? Whammo! And would Giles' daddy disapprove of that?
OK. Will do some more Amanda. Should be definitely interesting (for me), since I'm blazing through third book in the new series (see tagline) and the ghost in that one's an incubus. If I do, should I post in bits as written, or should I wait? Protocol in place?
"Reflections of a Spinning Mirror"
GAWDS, yes. You're very nearly there. Maybe "Reflections IN a Spinning Mirror"? Keep the sense of motion going?
I like the coin image... He's bad on the side of good - or chaos on the side of order.. I can see the coin flipping through the air, the question is - which side lands up? Of course, it would be heads either way, but I can see it landing on it's edge. Balanced precariously between good and evil.
"Reflections in a Turning Mirror"? Not quite so frenetic as spinning. I can do a long riff on the metaphor of how many faces would a two-faced god have in a mirror (yeah, yeah, other face on the back, I know what I'm talking about).
And I even have the opening scene for the sequel. This is never a good sign. At least not for my other projects.
Now why did a vision of a camera obscura just pop into my head...?
I like "Turning" mirror much better than Spinning.
deb, you've given me an Angelus/Wes bunny. Damn.
deb, you've given me an Angelus/Wes bunny. Damn.
Me? What I did do? Should I be pleased or ridiculously smug about it?
(vaguely pleased yet mildly apprehensive newbie/off sabbatical in the corner)