deb, you've given me an Angelus/Wes bunny. Damn.
Buffista Fic: It Could Be Plot Bunnies
Where the Buffistas let their fanfic creative juices flow. May contain erotica.
deb, you've given me an Angelus/Wes bunny. Damn.
Me? What I did do? Should I be pleased or ridiculously smug about it?
(vaguely pleased yet mildly apprehensive newbie/off sabbatical in the corner)
Camera Obscura.
Gave me a bunny.
We have one in SF, down at the Musee Mechanique, by Cliff House. A camera obscura, that is, not a bunny.
Well - it might be a bunny.
Everything's a bunny. Every. Damned. Thing.
Our Seattle museums lack anything cool.
Plei, my twin!
Well, we were. But I got a cool number out of it
OK. Will do some more Amanda. Should be definitely interesting (for me), since I'm blazing through third book in the new series (see tagline) and the ghost in that one's an incubus. If I do, should I post in bits as written, or should I wait? Protocol in place?
It's really up to you, Deb. Some people won't publish bits of a work in progress, and others do.
I vote post them as you write them, but only because I am so enamored of Amanda.
down at the Musee Mechanique
Really want to go there.
Musee mechanique is this odd little hut, perched under the Cliff House on the Pacific ocean (western) edge of the City, above the ruins of the Sutro Baths. All sorts of superb funky bits of arcade items, plus the camera obscura.
Oh, I have no trouble at all posting as I write. I am totally and completely about inputs, edits, feedback. In the end, when you're submitting to an editor, that realy cuts down on the laterons rework.
Ok. Am mulling two Amanda Lisle stories around. One would be a prequel, how she trained as a Slayer, got involved with Giles, the events in the Woodstock Road. Working title is "The Needfire".
Second one would be the resolution of the current Big bad story arc and Buffy as slayer, period. Working title is "A Bright Particular Star."