Isn't the whole point of (some part of ) quantum mechanics that the presence or absence of an obverver is fundamentally important to the nature of an event?
Right, I think that's part of the idea I'm talking about.
The simple, non-integral way would be to say that you have a right triangle of 4 x 40, the area of which is 80
Right. So...your answer that Gud confirmed was wrong? This fits more with your "take the half of the putative distance traveled" trick.
Do I have to? Can't I picture Colin Firth gazing longingly at me?
Only if he has grid lines overlaid upon his face.
Do I have to? Can't I picture Colin Firth gazing longingly at me?
I think that's what he meant. At least, that's what "graph" equals in my head.
I took P-C's post to make me ask: What the hell is an obverver?
Stoopid fingers.
So...your answer that Gud confirmed was wrong? This fits more with your "take the half of the putative distance traveled" trick.
Yes and yes.
ita pointing out that 40 x 4 = 160 made me all, "WTF?"
Note that if acceleration is not constant, the trick doesn't work and you have to integrate.
Read the sentence of mine you quoted again. Closely. (Not the original, it's been edited now, but your quote).
Do I have to? Can't I picture Colin Firth gazing longingly at me?
Only if he has grid lines overlaid upon his face.
That's just mean. When did you get all mean?
Also, Robin, why are you bogarting all the imaginary sweethearts? It isn't enough that Stephen Colbert is your seekrit TV boyfriend, now Colin is gazing longingly at you?
Or is he so full of longing because he's so jealous of Colbert?
Either way, keep your imaginary mitts off him.
That's just mean. When did you get all mean?
I've always been mean. Meaner than a witch's tit.
Speaking of Colin Firth, did anybody see Lost Empires?