And, it just might be me, but I'm thinking the Basset Hounds really do get around. There are loads of Basse-mixes in this 'hood.
Now we need David to come and tell the story of the Bassenova.
We totally have one in our neighborhood! One super suave Basset stud who's totally sexing up the bitches. We've got Basset/Lab combos, a Basset/German Shepard and some which are so exotic they defy the laws of physics.
I used to run into a Basset/Lab named Buddy at Halsted Street Market Days in Chicago. The first time I met him he was laying down and I thought he was a regular old black lab. Then he stood up on his stubby little legs and totally freaked me out.
On my way home from work I used to see a pair of bassets mousing in the parkway in front of their house. Very cute.
The house was up for sale last fall so I suspect I shall see them no more.
Is anyone watching S60?
Why did whathisname
just take off after Jordan like that after saying Chanel Sable? Did she write him a note? I thought he had written the note.
Clearly I'm not paying enough attention.
quester, I can't find it in thread, but I think this is the story you want.
Eta: Happy birthday, Victor!
she had slipped the note into his watchband when she shook his hand before leaving the roof.
Ah! Thank you. I was so confused.
Of course, I thought it was
odd that he proceeded to inhale her face. I mean, seriously? They do not have proportioned heads. I was afeared for her tiny, tiny head.
Ha! You are not wrong in that.
Why I prefer Coffee Bean to Starbucks: Well, other than the totally tastier chai latte...Trying to buy a medicinal triple macchiato today, I was asked what size.
[repeating] "A triple macchiato."
[patiently, as to a slow child] "What size?"
[feeling hobbitlike]"They come in sizes?"
[brightly] "A double comes in this cup [points to a regular or whatever fake Italian they call it] or this [pointing to a large]."
[skeptically] "Whatever size it fits in..."
To which the man behind me snorts. She starts ringing up my order, and I notice something weird in what's flashing across the register display.
"Are you selling me a caramel macchiato?"
"That's not what you ordered?"
[still suspicious] "No...a triple macchiato..."
[condescendingly] "Oh, an
No, that's hardly emblematic of the brand. But damn if it doesn't taint the experience.
Reason Starbucks was almost worth it: Getting to observe the stages of child language and humour development.
Lycra-clad mother is chatting away on her cellphone, arms crossed tightly across her body. Her two year old is fiddling around. To be precise, she's sticking her nose in her mother's crotch repeatedly. Ever now and again she presses her palms together and slides them slowly into her crotch instead.
Mother's paying no mind. Cherub reaches up, bursting with excitement and taps her mother's forearm with chubby palms.
"I'm peeping in your pee-pee!" she announces brightly.
The mother looks down, frowning.
"Peeping in your peepee!" She's beside herself with excitement and pride.
Mother tries to swat her away without disturbing her phone call, but the girl's too excited to be dissuaded.
Not sure what happened next, because I had to duck behind something to laugh my ass off properly.