Did I see a "Happy Birthday, Victor" somewhere? Ditto, if so.
Awhile back someone posted a link to a story about some people who were put on an animal or zoo diet. I think it was in England. Does anybody remember this? I've tried searching but I'm not finding. Maybe it wasn't this thread...
Yeah, and wouldn't it have to be internet rehab? I could maybe give up drinking, but never the internet.
Good point about the internet access.
Alternative: I'ma go over to B'crcy and propose a rehab thread. Instead of warning and banning peple, we'll just make them post in there!
Sneezes in the past minute? 7.
Make that 8.
My house is laboring to heat itself. The thermostat goes from 56 to 68 at like 5pm, so that theoretically the house is warm when we all get home from work -- NSM, today. I got home at 6:30 and it was still 64, and it hasn't gotten above 64 at all. (It's about to turn itself down again for the night.)
Stupid -1F windchill. Stupid 1st floor apartment. Wearing 3 sweaters, a scarf, and a cat is ridiculous.
since my last post, my furnace cycled on and my place is toasty. well I am also half under a feather duvet and have two cats right beside me.
Wearing 3 sweaters, a scarf, and a cat is ridiculous.
Wearing a cat is NEVER ridiculous.
If you're in a Fellini film, that is.
I was without heat from Saturday at 7p (or maybe earlier, but I wasn't home before that) until 1p on Sunday. It was unpleasant. 60 degrees when I went to bed, and 50 degrees when I woke up. And that was downstairs; colder upstairs. Brrr. Thank god for Ed from the heating company, because it's bitter out there today.