I finally went to Voce.com to see what this premium phone service dealio was all about. Seems pretty much to be the Amex of wireless carriers. I like the idea that they give you three chargers and a wireless headset with each phone, and that you can switch phones every 12 months. The bits where your Voce assistant translates Greek for you or finds you something to do for your big anniversary...I wonder if I'll ever be rich enough to think of engaging strangers for those tasks.
Man, I took an Ambien and engaged in half an hour of pretty lucid conversation and...not out yet. Probably just about at the point I should stop recording in text, but not yet ready to sleep.
Sounds tailormade for browsing the trailers at apple.com
::ducks in:: anyone on the night shift?
Er... no?
I wasn't as horribly dismayed by
as others, but I wasn't very entertained.
If you come across Random J. Mouse in a glue trap, your most humane move may be to pop it all into a plastic bag and tie it up tightly. The mouse will painlessly suffocate (drowning is quick but unpleasant).
Me, I'd seriously contemplate sneaking around and disposing of all the glue traps anonymously.
Ooh. It's three degrees out. Fun.
You know, I was trying to explain to a coworker how Chicago is so much colder than Boston, but I don't think she believed me.
I will not, however, buy this one as I think it looks more like penis and less like coffee. or is it just me?
OMG, why is there a little tiny penis in that coffee cup??
Big crashes on both sides of Lake Shore where I get on it. Lovely. And mang, how much it must suck to be standing out there right now.
Yeah, definately. It was useless. It wasn't even entertaining!bad. Just cheap and dumb.
Oh good. My tv recorded the wrong channel. I am sure I will see it eventually but I won't stress until then.
JZ! Comedy Central has been screwing with me too. It tricked my Tivo into recording that jackass with the charts and told me it was
ION, got my first lovely paycheck from the new job
my vacation from the old one. I'm in a bill paying frenzy this morning. Love.
The last few times when it suddenly got way colder, I overreacted and overdressed and ended up all sweaty when I got to the train station. Today I wore the right amount of clothes. I declare my day's first crisis: