I am back from teaching and from Full Force
with Cult Jam?
Nay. With RAW Power, verily.
This Free To Be Whomever stuff sails merrily over my head. A bigger push when I was young was to get people (esp men) to use birth control. People were too free as it was.
Interrupting for Jane Eyre talk:
Did Jane really have amnesia when the St. Johns Riverses took her in? Why am I not remembering this?
And God, St. John is just as sanctimonious as ever, isn't he?
I only look askance because I was not raised on it.
Oh, great. another shooting in my hood. THIS is why I do not watch the news. tv off and I'm to bed.
Let me interrupt with a (serious) plea for help copied from my lj.
(It's a locked post, and I want to keep it that way or I'd just link. But it occurs to me that there are people around here I probably don't have friended - if you want to friend me and v.v., I'm brendalu. Just let me know, because I never notice changes/additions on my own.)
Crap! I have to come up with "five things you don't know about me" for work - to be distributed to our team and to a whole bunch of other people. (It's not because I'm new - I just happened to come on board right when this idea was bubbling up.)
Help? I'm stumped. If I leave out fannish/online stuff, then...what?
I've got a couple, not terribly good ones. So, what do you think? What have I told you that made you think, "huh, that was unexpected/cool/interesting" - um, in the good way.
Here's what I've got so far:
- Dual citizen (I'ma refrain from calling that my get-out-of-hell-free-card in this context).
- I was invited to dinner by Pierre Trudeau. (CBC radio once had a contest for the person you'd most want to have dinner with - Trudeau hands-down. So that's kind of neat.)
- I've recently discovered an inexplicable passion for country music.*
What else? Better ideas? I'm not sure that being chased by Quebec riot police or living on a commune are quite right for this audience.
*Money line from the song playing right now -
And I'm sorry, baby, about the time I accidentally shot your dog when I was hunting and I told you he'd run a--/
Wait, I told you about that, right?
Scooter Jennings, (You Can't See the Tears Behind My) Aviators
Do you have unusual pets? Weird nicknames? Once met someone famous?
"I like dogs"
"I once set fire to a grocery store."
Heh. I have the prettiest dog in ever, but I figure they're going to hear enough about that sooner or later. I don't want to go totally crazy-dog-lady right off the bat. (And in point of fact, I've already been exchanging dog pictures with a coworker. But he started it!)
do anything interesting in highschool or college?
"I once set fire to a grocery store."
When the building next door to me caught fire the other night, I sent an email to a few people about it with the subject line "I HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS I SWEAR (AGAIN)"
What are those races you do with your sister, brenda? The sort of treasure hunt ones?