Let me interrupt with a (serious) plea for help copied from my lj.
(It's a locked post, and I want to keep it that way or I'd just link. But it occurs to me that there are people around here I probably don't have friended - if you want to friend me and v.v., I'm brendalu. Just let me know, because I never notice changes/additions on my own.)
Crap! I have to come up with "five things you don't know about me" for work - to be distributed to our team and to a whole bunch of other people. (It's not because I'm new - I just happened to come on board right when this idea was bubbling up.)
Help? I'm stumped. If I leave out fannish/online stuff, then...what?
I've got a couple, not terribly good ones. So, what do you think? What have I told you that made you think, "huh, that was unexpected/cool/interesting" - um, in the good way.
Here's what I've got so far:
- Dual citizen (I'ma refrain from calling that my get-out-of-hell-free-card in this context).
- I was invited to dinner by Pierre Trudeau. (CBC radio once had a contest for the person you'd most want to have dinner with - Trudeau hands-down. So that's kind of neat.)
- I've recently discovered an inexplicable passion for country music.*
What else? Better ideas? I'm not sure that being chased by Quebec riot police or living on a commune are quite right for this audience.
*Money line from the song playing right now -
And I'm sorry, baby, about the time I accidentally shot your dog when I was hunting and I told you he'd run a--/ Wait, I told you about that, right?
Scooter Jennings, (You Can't See the Tears Behind My) Aviators