And maybe you could cause all the children near you to stampede, thus crushing most of the children near you. And if you did it in just the right way, you'd end up with walls of dead children blocking the way of the live children....
(It's so much more fun to look at this in ways the questioner (probably) didn't intend.)
If it's an infinite number of toddlers, inevitably the smells emitting from their poopy diapers will knock you out and they can have their way with you.
Happy Birthday, nice lady!
Did I mention this weekend has been my comedy of errors weekend?
I was on my way to vegas, left my cell phone at home, stopped in Pasadena to buy my mom a gift and get my hair recolored from pink to brown.
It took them over 3 hours to do my hair. SERIOUSLY?? That's insane-o.
Also, are the childrens' clothes flammable?
And what level of force are you allowed to use to stop the children? Lethal? Nonlethal? Tasering?
We have a "suggestion book" where people write in silly questions (and, occasionally, actual suggestions.)
That's hilarious.
About the infinite number of babies, I can't get past how you'd suffocate. But maybe it's just infinitely long lines of babies coming at you, not a mass pile-on. Curious.
I'm struck by the image of a "snow fort" of dead babies, protecting you from the oncoming hordes. They don't climb well, I think.
Thanks all. I am not really feeling this b'day, but the well wishes help.
WOrk is jumping on my head, pulling at my hair and calling me ugly names. Not what I really want from a day when I also have mac here for half a day.