That's a very sweet post, Allyson. Very sweet.
Some friends of mine have started a blog for their baby and the preceding pregnancy. Babypicturesblahblahcuteycakes.
But I love the first picture so much it startled me into a laugh. The second one's pretty funny too.
I think you don't know from treacly. That's lovely Allyson.
I kinda love you and your mom, Allyson.
Allyson, that is beautiful. I'ma call my mom tonight.
Thanks! My mom is made of awesome.
Great story, Allyson. Too bad the only way a pair of crazy kids like your parents could own their own home in Boston after 5 years in this day and age is knocking off a bank. (Actually, even 30 years ago I bet that was impressive. How'd they do it?)
A family member gave them a no-interest loan for the down-payment, flea. It was one of those things we weren't supposed to talk about for a long time. I think it would have caused issues about favoritism or something, but my parents were so young, and struggling so hard, Uncle Bernie wanted to give them a break.
I think I may have to suck it up and admit that my finger may be broken. Four days and the swelling hasn't gone down and touching the tip (which is where the door slammed) feels like getting shocked from a wall socket.
The woman featured on the cover, Birgit (last name redacted), is a six year employee at (redacted) and our Trade Show Manager and Spokesperson. Over the years we have had numerous positive comments about Birgit and she has proven herself to possess the needed technical and social ability to showcase our products.
t snip
Birgit will be presenting several technical demonstrations at the upcoming Photonics West show this month so you will have the chance to meet her in person. I think you will be impressed with her ability to support and represent woman in engineering as well as other tasks she has undertaken at (redacted).
Dear Asshats,
As I think it would be unlikely that you would feature a "respected" man in this manner, your argument is full of shit. Next time you want a woman to "support and represent women in engineering," try not reducing her to sex in order to sell your product.
No love,
DJ, that could be a sprain. I had that sudden shock pain for weeks and weeks. Okay, since August. Slightly decreasing in intensity and in number of ways to trigger.
However, I'd certainly advise seeing a doctor who can do an X-ray.