Points to Cindy and Juliana.
"I was scarred by having to stage manage "She Loves Me" in theatre school. I sat through something like 30 performances of the stupidest song in the world "Where's my Shoe?" Before every single one of them I wanted to leap from the SM booth to my death. Only the light guy kept me alive."
Hint: canadian
Correct, Jesse! Points for you.
Fill in the blanks.
[______] which now works, thanks to a D-link card -- the Linksys just didn't have enough granularity of settings, so I never managed to make it work with the same brand of hub.
[________] you misspelled blah blah blah blah blah.
If I'm not a stabber, what are all these knives and swords for? Surely not only to slash.
ita, if you dont go to Krav, the flowers will surely be dead. THEY NEED WATER.
I'll go. Not allowed to call in sick to krav. Even though rumour has it I'm to teach L3
L5. I'm not nice. Why do people think I'm nice?
Hint on the previous quote.
Who is a sassmouth?
If I'm not a stabber, what are all these knives and swords for? Surely not only to slash.
I'm sure you'd be willing to stab, but you're not a stabber.
I'm going to go tommyrot on the first part of the quote, but I got nothing on the second.
but I got nothing on the second.
Yeah, you do. Sass. Mouth.