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Airport Extreme Base Station question.
I have my base station set up with my main wireless account password protected and then a guest access account that is not password protected. I can turn that one on and off with a click.
I turned it off this morning and when I got home it was back on again.
I will probably just test this out, but would disconnecting the base station and then re-connecting it, reset these things?
I am setting up my new environment and trying to bring things over selectively rather than just copying over decades worth of applications and files.
First complete failure was thinking I could use Outlook instead of Thunderbird. Ha! The rules sucked and I gave up. No doubt there is something better, but I know how to use Thunderbird for my zillions of accounts and the rules actually work, kinda.
Next up was reinstalling graphic stuff. I have used Paint Shop Pro for a really long time and know it, but I am thinking of trying Photoshop. My questions:
Learning curve for someone that generally can use any software any time even if they never saw it before?
Pros/Cons PSP vs Photoshop if you have used both?
ps - in the smart house update I still get up and use the switches because I still haven't upgraded my phone! (I know Drew, Brendon keeps threatening to tell you so I am confessing in advance) It is on the list!
I think Thunderbird is great. I like how easy it is to move from computer to computer while keeping all the settings and emails.
I use both PSP and Photoshop (both fairly old versions), and I tend to stay with PSP unless I need to do something that only Photoshop can do. I learned PSP first, and I got used to being able to zoom in and out using the scroll wheel, which is something Photoshop doesn't do. That said, most of what I need to do is very simple, and often only two-color, so YBMV.
I like how easy it is to move from computer to computer while keeping all the settings and emails.
Exactly! After suffering with Outlook for a while I just said screw it and copied over Thunderbird and all is just perfect again.
Hahahaha! Just after I typed that Brendon walked in the door and I told him I was ready to say goodbye to my iPhone 4. He dropped everything to rush me over to the phone dude before I changed my mind. We have the best phone/device repair guy. Great timing. I now have a shiny iPhone 6s with 64GB for $300! No way I was giving Sprint $750 or whatever for one. He gave me a case and cord too. Used, but you can't tell. Probably someone broke it and traded it in. Phone dude has stacks and stacks of broken phones he takes as trade ins. Fixes them and sells them. So I am now up on IOS 10 like the rest of the world and can turns my lights on and off and all that Smart stuff.
Thanks, DX. I think I probably will install both because I started with PSP and that has served me well.
I keep losing internet access, and when I run the diagnostic thing, it says it fixed a "problem with wireless adapter or access point." That means it's my computer, not the wi-fi, right?
A recent Lenovo update screwed up my WiFi whereby it would randomly disconnect the adapter. Uninstalling the new file and installing the appropriate one from the Intel site seems to have solved the problem.
Huh, OK. I'll see what I can find.