Did we know this?
Drawn & Quarterly publisher Chris Oliveros will publish What It Is, acclaimed cartoonist Lynda Barry's first new book since 2002, in early 2008. D&Q will also republish her five-volume backlist of comic strip collections in newly redesigned editions. The multiyear deal is for world rights and was negotiated by agent Liz Darshanoff.
That means all of her out-of-print early stuff will be republished in its original format. That's great news.
Just picked up my Buffy comic at lunch. I totally agree that
we need some movement on the Dawn story -- and for her to actually TELL somebody what happened.
She seems to be indicating that
it wasn't the Thricewise's fault.
I also hope that
Faith is successful
but seriously, was the plan really for
Faith to kill the slayer with a stake? In the receiving line
? Why didn't
Giles tell her it was a suicide mission
It looked like
a pretty nasty knife she had hidden in her hair to me.
But yeah I think
she was just supposed to bash her way out of there
and I assume
there was some sort of high speed transport at the rendesvous point.
It does seem pretty
naive of Giles to think Faith would stick to the plan.
Well, that and it really seemed more like an
Angel sort of plan
rather than a
Giles plan.
Oh, great. Now I'm thinking that since Faith was trying to get a passport, that Giles is thinking she needs to be "retired" permanently. Henceforth, the suicide mission. We know he's capable of this kind of decision making, afterall. Does the yellow submarine sweater indicate going evil the way that Angel's leather pants do?
As far as I can tell
has never
worried too much about
his actions were squarely on the side of good.
It did occur to me that
he wouldn't mind too much if Faith got killed
and that was probably a factor in why
she was chosen for this particular mission.
There are certainly better candidates for Eliza Doolitttling than Faith, that's for sure.
Well I guess
Buffy's not dead
her pants are sure tight
Buffy #7: I'm glad to see the Mystery Symbol making a reappearance. I can't tell if the baddies we have met so far is working for Gigi or if she's getting her strings pulled.