Oh, great. Now I'm thinking that since Faith was trying to get a passport, that Giles is thinking she needs to be "retired" permanently. Henceforth, the suicide mission. We know he's capable of this kind of decision making, afterall. Does the yellow submarine sweater indicate going evil the way that Angel's leather pants do?
Other Media 2: It's Astounishing!
Discussion of comics, graphic novels, and more. Except for capes. No capes!
Please use spoiler font for new releases until after the weekend following release.
As far as I can tell Giles has never worried too much about whether his actions were squarely on the side of good. It did occur to me that he wouldn't mind too much if Faith got killed and that was probably a factor in why she was chosen for this particular mission.
There are certainly better candidates for Eliza Doolitttling than Faith, that's for sure.
Well I guess Buffy's not dead but her pants are sure tight !
Buffy #7: I'm glad to see the Mystery Symbol making a reappearance. I can't tell if the baddies we have met so far is working for Gigi or if she's getting her strings pulled.
OK, comics ninjas, I'm searching for a specific issue of a relatively recent Superman comic. It's part of a series wherein Supes is infected by something and getting sicker, Lois has been acting bitchy until it's revealed she's an imposter of some sort and the real Lois has been missing for ages. Superman goes to the best detective he can think of: Batman.
It's a terrific issue, with Superman getting pissy about why Batman doesn't show any emotion, until Batman quietly tells him about some of the things he's seen and how he doesn't dare get emotional, and Batman is thinking about how often searches for missing people end up badly.
I think I own it in one of the myriad comics boxes, but I'm looking it up for someone online.
OK, Wikipedia rules. Action Comics #766
I wonder if the BSG: Origins Comics will fill the gap between now and whenever Season 4 airs.
The new biography of Charles Schulz has been getting a lot of attention. Here's a review by Bill Watterson in the WSJ. NYT. The New Yorker.
Here's a response from Schulz' son, who hates the book.
The Complete Peanuts has reached 1965-1966, which means that they're starting to get to the really good stuff.