Just one little cape
From boingboing, a knitted The Thing from the fantastic four. (Probably been posted here before).
Discussion of comics, graphic novels, and more. Except for capes. No capes!
Please use spoiler font for new releases until after the weekend following release.
Just one little cape
From boingboing, a knitted The Thing from the fantastic four. (Probably been posted here before).
Are you in Los Angeles?
We've met. Several times now. Through ND and Kristin.
I'll just be over here being utterly unmemorable....
t /teasing
Unfortunately, I can't do Thursday, as I'll be knee deep in Halloween prep over at Universal.
Cool. Especially since I have the complete run of the color comics and only a partial run on the b/w.
You gotta love a series where the main villain has a head shaped like the Chrysler Building.
I have a question. Have any of y'all read Hellcity?
I want to, but I'm afeared.
We've met. Several times now. Through ND and Kristin
Oh you're that Sean. Well in case you didn't notice, one time at Universal you totally ignored me . But it's OK because you were busy and anyway I'm totally over it now. We'll probably be playing Order of the Stick every third week for a while so maybe you can join us sometime after the Halloween craziness dies down. We usually play on Wednesday or Thursday.
This has been out for a week, so I'm not whitefonting:
On the Black Canary/Green Arrow wedding....
Uh, did they kill Ollie AGAIN?!?
Strike that -- did they KILL OLLIE?!?!
Also, WTF?!?
I mean -- Ollie attacks Dinah IN BED, on their WEDDING NIGHT. First of all, I didn't think Ollie was capable of doing anything near a bed other than fucking.
But mostly -- WTF?!? Was it really Ollie, and if so, did he get Manchurian Candidated at some point? (If so, when?) Was it a clone/shapeshifter/Clayface?
And, hello -- we're talking Black goddamn Canary here -- trained by the world's best martial artists, in addition to possessing the canary cry. Your new husband pulls a pretty lame-looking knife on you, and you....do what? Use the canary cry? Judo chop?
If it was real!Ollie, is he dead? And if so, does he get a frequent flyer card, or what? (Also, if he *is* really dead, I'ma be PISSED.)
I have huge, huge, HUGE problems with this. (That may be self-evident.)
Also, Judd Winick is a hack. The only character I've actually seen him write consistently well, with a *good* handle on the character's history, is Jason Todd, of all people.
D.C. is really really really disappointing me.
Also, Judd Winick is a hack. The only character I've actually seen him write consistently well, with a *good* handle on the character's history, is Jason Todd, of all people
He did right by Kyle, too, and his first couple of years with Ollie were great.
Like certain other writers, he does way better when not spread thinly on toast. (I've got this whole Marmite based theory about writing. Err. Don't ask.)
I'm assuming shape-shifter type thing and not actual dead Ollie, because you can only flog a dead horse so much. Also, the most surprising thing to me was the lack of caring I felt. At no point did I think the dead would stick.