Buffy #3 - Yay! Single issues are still too short, though. I want to read a BOOK, damnit!
I almost feel bad for Skinless!Warren. You'd think if Amy had the ability to bring him back from the dead, she could have also given him some new skin.
Discussion of comics, graphic novels, and more. Except for capes. No capes!
Please use spoiler font for new releases until after the weekend following release.
Buffy #3 - Yay! Single issues are still too short, though. I want to read a BOOK, damnit!
I almost feel bad for Skinless!Warren. You'd think if Amy had the ability to bring him back from the dead, she could have also given him some new skin.
I'm thinking Amy didn't so much bring him back from the dead as find him either beyond the Hellmouth or having emerged back through it. The special effect that Warren disappeared amid in "Villains" may indicate that Willow sent him to Hell without bothering about the technicality of killing him first. And Angel's experiences suggest that death may not be an option once bodily transported to the other side.
Curse you all. Back from the comic store I just discovered near my office with Buffy 3, Supernatural, and Runaways Saga, 25, and 26. I think they'll be plane reading tomorrow.
One of us. One of us. One of us. One of us.
I actually signed up for a box at the comic book store today. It's just for Runaways and Buffy right now.
Buffy 3: It looks to me like Amy is somehow using Ethan's power (supplemented by Warren's tech, somehow, or the Initiatives, or both), which is how he got into Buffy's dream, through a backdoor from Amy's dreamspace. That "more of an ancient Roman than a Dane", some kind of Shakespearean reference?
I enjoyed Buffy #3, but it felt very disjointed to me. I kept thinking I was missing pages because they kept having stuff happen "off-screen" like Whoever kissed Buffy and Willow and Buffy's conversation before Xander showed up and then having characters react to it. Very annoying.
-t I just googled that line, because it sounded familiar to me too, and Horatio says it in Hamlet while attempting to drink poisoned wine so he can die with Hamlet.
-t, do you think that Ethan is still imprisoned by the initiative and that's why he is undermining their scheme ?
Interesting, sj. I don't know what it means, if it means anything, but it's something to think about.
I hadn't fleshed it out that much, sumi, but I like it.