Seriously, I was NOT expecting to be this impressed. But right now, I totally want to get some scans and make icons.
Because I less than three it, oh yes.
'Objects In Space'
Discussion of comics, graphic novels, and more. Except for capes. No capes!
Please use spoiler font for new releases until after the weekend following release.
Seriously, I was NOT expecting to be this impressed. But right now, I totally want to get some scans and make icons.
Because I less than three it, oh yes.
me too!
And I'm not really even a comics person!
We may discuss Secret Six and the whole MADE OF AWESOME part now.
OMGWTF HARLEY IN THE SECRET SIX!!! Love!!! I may have squealed when I first saw her in the car. Yes.
Catman = SMOOV.
I still t heart Ragdoll.
Because that made me roll my eyes at first, but then laugh like a drain as I took in all the details...
Don't forget the stakes flying toward all those blooming flowers. Though the symbolism of lillies rather than roses or tulips is pure Joss love-is-pain .
Buffy #3 fell a little flat for me. It was entertaining 'n' all but my expectations of Joss are higher. However, page 3 of this issue WINS.
Oh yes. That and Dawn's "F*!*ing Fum." Lots of good in here, but we've come to the point in the story where Joss reveals that there's a lot we don't know, which is fine, except that those points always have a "squarely in the middle" feel. Although I'm damn curious what Ethan's up to, how Amy got so powerful and how the hell skinless Warren's back. (Although really, the issue was crawling with Zombies, so one imagine's there's a connection. Also, almost despite myself, I find myself curious as to who kissed Buffy to wake her up. I'm pretty sure it wasn't Xander.
The final issue of 52, while not brilliant, at least gave the series more substance than a long preamble to 'Black Adam has a planet-wide tizzy laughably labled WWIII'.
Again, much agreed. I read issue 49 through 52, and all of WWIII last night, and while it didn't change my life or anything, there was a bit of good in there. For example, Will Magnus being badass and Animal Man coming home were a lot of fun. Not sure what I think of "Ralph and Sue Dibny, Ghost Detectives!" but I prefer it to them being gone, and I'm glad to see Batwoman wasn't killed. I was a little taken aback by Isis' death as it was, and disappointed that DC was introducing diverse, interesting female characters only to kill them, so her not dying assuaged some of my annoyance.
Still got nothing on Mr. Mind, though.
On BoP/Secret Six, I was, alas, already spoiled for the Secret Six spoiler above, but haven't gotten to the current issue, yet. Still, I'm enjoying the current run of BoP immensely.
Buffy #3 - Yay! Single issues are still too short, though. I want to read a BOOK, damnit!
I almost feel bad for Skinless!Warren. You'd think if Amy had the ability to bring him back from the dead, she could have also given him some new skin.
I'm thinking Amy didn't so much bring him back from the dead as find him either beyond the Hellmouth or having emerged back through it. The special effect that Warren disappeared amid in "Villains" may indicate that Willow sent him to Hell without bothering about the technicality of killing him first. And Angel's experiences suggest that death may not be an option once bodily transported to the other side.
Curse you all. Back from the comic store I just discovered near my office with Buffy 3, Supernatural, and Runaways Saga, 25, and 26. I think they'll be plane reading tomorrow.
One of us. One of us. One of us. One of us.
I actually signed up for a box at the comic book store today. It's just for Runaways and Buffy right now.