I haven't read #3 yet, but that doesn't stop me from having a theory about Amy: She's not Amy, she's Amy's Mom.
Other Media 2: It's Astounishing!
Discussion of comics, graphic novels, and more. Except for capes. No capes!
Please use spoiler font for new releases until after the weekend following release.
Oh, that's an interesting theory. And really, Willow kind of suggests it in a roundabout way.
So, did everyone notice the picture of Joss on the page that has all the images from all of Buffy's dreams? That made me laugh and laugh and laugh. And then I sniffled when I saw Joyce lying on the couch. And then almost snerked up a lung at Buffy & Angel 4Ever, because even though it's from an episode, it's still going to piss off the rabid Spikefen.
And finally, in the panel where Andrew is all flamingly not interested in the Slayers playing strip poker right behind him, did y'all notice that one of the Slayers was reading Fray? Again, it made me laugh and laugh.
I must be the inverse of Pete, because I loved this issue (I almost said "episode") more than the first 2. The dialogue just kicked ass. And the final panel made me jump. (In a surprised way, not a "for joy" way.)
Enjoyed. For the ten minutes it took to read. Dammit.
Hey, look at that. I'm Sean.
I do have to go back and look carefully for the things Steph points out, because I kind of flew through.
I also continue to fail to recognize Andrew from the artwork. Hmph.
Loved page 3. Loved seeing Ethan again, though I'm not quite sure I get how he ended up in Buffy's dreamland, or whatever. I have to re-read that.
I thought the bit about Kennedy being dead... oh, only for a month was hilarious, because I picture Joss picturing fans going, "Yay! Oh."
Is page 3 the threesome? (Yes, my comic is in the other room, and I'm too frelling lazy to get up and go look.) Because that made me roll my eyes at first, but then laugh like a drain as I took in all the details (i.e., the volcano, train, cupid-y cherubs, nurse's uniform, etc.)
Tep, yes.
Yes, that's page three in all its glory.
I figured that Ethan was astrally-projecting.
Re: Ethan ....you know, it's like he's going, "Hi! I'm Joss, and I'm setting up an incredibly obvious reveal here.....SUCKER!" and then he yanks the rug out from under you. He did it at least twice in FRAY, and, like Buffy, I fall for it every. single. time.
On that theme, I was kind of hoping it would be Adam on the last page, since that would have really thrown everyone for a loop.
ETA: D'oh! Fixed.