Sad to see the FF really do seem to have been dropped by Marvel. It's a shame the company is abandoning its roots.
Hawkeye vs. Hawkeye. I'm sure that'll really appeal to the people who've been eagerly buying comics for Clint and Kate's buddy-cop relationship the last few years.
New Dr. Strange series, which may be salvation from obscurity or so wrong-headed that I start doubling up on blood pressure pills.
Those look... Kind of awful.
So bad it's making me wonder if we're all being trolled.
Those look... Kind of awful.
Yeah, I think halfway through it they started to feel like maybe an Onion article.
But then I liked Ms. Marvel and Capt. Marvel.
Ummm... Anyone here going to SDCC, who might be willing to try and pick me up an exclusive figurine? I'll figure out a way to make it worth your while...
Mark Waid writing Archie? [link]
Yeah, I hear it's killer, too, and I need to get off my sad ass and get it.
Oh geez, Ple, I forgot it was Mark Waid!
HAHAHAHA. That's why you got tagged, bro.