I am not linking to Bleeding Cool because they chose to use Halle Berry in their article, but it seems that there is going to be a Storm series in July.
I've heard that the solo women's titles at Marvel are all really good right now, and Elektra is super good. Any opinions?
I can only personally speak to Ms. Marvel, which is awesome. But I've heard good things about Captain Marvel and Elektra.
Captain Marvel is wonderful. It got me back into regularly reading comics after a ~20 year hiatus (well, Hawkeye helped.). The lead character is awesome, with interesting flaws. There's an engaging set of supporting characters. The fandom is, as far as I've seen, low on crazy. I'd reccomend starting at the beginning of Kelly Sue Deconnick's run. [link]
I will give that a look too, Calli. When Comixology starts working right, that is.
Fuck you, Comixology. What galls me the most is just how weaselly the email was. They just couldn't come out and directly say they no longer support in-app purchases.
That's only for the iOS version, right? The letter I got today told me they've enhanced the in app purchase system and we need to update our payment info in the new Google version.
“Enhanced” in-app purchases means they’re bypassing Google’s payment system, which some people are complaining about. I guess it makes it less easy for some people to pay.
Saladin Ahmed has been doing some amazing research on pre-Code comics, and he's finally written it up.
An interesting analysis of the creation of Batman (the author theorizes Batman being a product of childhood trauma stems from Bob Kane's own childhood trauma.) [link]