So there WAS a new YJ yesterday? iTunes is giving me no love.
Other Media 2: It's Astounishing!
Discussion of comics, graphic novels, and more. Except for capes. No capes!
Please use spoiler font for new releases until after the weekend following release.
Yes, the series finale was yesterday.
Of course, CN in their infinite wisdom aired a promo during yesterday's episode advertising "Next week on DC Nation, new Green Lantern and new Young Justice." Um, no there's not, because you cancelled it, you twits.
Apparently I enjoyed the episode more than a lot of the internets did. Lots of wailing and gnashing of teeth about the "cliffhanger".
Having just re-watched the final episode of Spectacular Spider-man (another great Weisman superhero series cancelled too soon) with my son yesterday, the conclusion could have been much less satisfying.
Yes, the series finale was yesterday.
Man, normally the episode is ready to download first thing in the morning on Sunday. I still have nothing available on iTunes.
Someone else pointed out something that didn't occur to me when I was watching.
Earlier in the season, Blue Beetle complains that everyone thinks he's the previous Blue Beetle in a new costume, that no one outside of the League realizes Ted Kord's sacrifice.
At the end of this episode, Bart is wearing Wally's costume (which makes sense, since Wally told him he wanted him to continue his legacy when he retired). The same thing is going to happen.
That makes me even sadder.
I think my fan-wank is that in Season 3, it would have turned out that Wally was pulled into the Speed Force and would have returned at his peak comicbook power level.
The (final) Young Justice episode just made it to iTunes, Steph.
I got that e-mail mid-morning!
And because I already read the whitefont, this comic is relevant to the last episode (it IS spoilery for the last episode, although if you don't know it was referring to YJ, then you might be confused): [link]
It should be noted that Weisman has shown nothing but contempt for the concept of the Speed Force. Which doesn't mean that Wally isn't alive; he could have been shot through time or something.