It helps I just finished reading them and could quickly bring them up on my computer.
Other Media 2: It's Astounishing!
Discussion of comics, graphic novels, and more. Except for capes. No capes!
Please use spoiler font for new releases until after the weekend following release.
Yikes! Psimon. I have a bad feeling that not only is he going to discover Kaldur and Artemis are double agents, but he's going to reprogram him as a triple agent.
I'm also rather skeptical of the Green Beetle. His appearance seems rather convenient.
ETA: I just saw that the Green Beetle's real name is B’aars O’ohm. Cute.
YJ: If they don’t have a fight scene between Nightwing and Deathstroke before the end of the season, I’m going to be SO disappointed.
Der. My TiVo has been skipping YJ episodes, because they have all (finishing today) had 2012 dates on them. Someone needs to fix their shit. I'm not picky about who, but it needs to happen.
So I'm downloading to catch up. Don't ask why discussions of those episodes took this long to wake me up. No flattering explanation.
This week’s episode airs again tomorrow morning, ita.
I just noticed this morning that our HTPC has been missing the episodes. Thankfully we still have our DVR from the cable company, which has been catching them.
Impressive YJ!Beast Boy cosplay: [link]
Thanks Tom--grabbing it.
Wow, that cosplay is not trivial. I'm getting a Scott McCall vibe off him, but Logan was there first, even YJ!Logan, I'm sure.
Have you guys seen the rush to judgement about the Dredd non-event?
Gorram it. The writing was on the wall, but I kept hoping it somehow would manage to survive. YJ is officially cancelled. [link]
Apparently Greg Weisman's 2-season curse keeps on trucking along.
I'm sorry, Beware the Batman sounds positively awful, and while I liked Teen Titans, an over-the-top comedy version is not what I'm looking for.
and while I liked Teen Titans, an over-the-top comedy version is not what I'm looking for.
I presume it will be like the Chibi short cartons they've been doing for DC Nation which are fun enough.
I'm curious about the retooled Powerpuff girls just because I like Kevin Dart's stuff a lot, and I'm wondering if they'll be made more human looking.