Welp, reading that is going to save me $8.50 when Guardians of the Galaxy opens.
Other Media 2: It's Astounishing!
Discussion of comics, graphic novels, and more. Except for capes. No capes!
Please use spoiler font for new releases until after the weekend following release.
I'm seeing a lot of "Don't you know satire when you see it???" defences, and, well, if your satire is indistinguishable from an impression, how is it my fault that I don't know you'd never say something about fucking the gay out of a lesbian or slutty teenaged mothers in REAL life? Where's the satire flag?
Poor sweetie. I would have chosen Nightwing, but talk about low hanging fruit.
In the fuckable hero poll results (I'm pretending the commentary doesn't exist--the list isn't anything I haven't done in my head (and sometimes online) most (If not all, not sure I'm going back to check) of the pictures of women are the normal leading with the butts and boobs/spines don't do that you can find in pretty much every DC/Marvel comic with a toss of a dart, but the men are quite unsurprisingly in powerful poses, not "Paint me like your French girls" we know and love--except Nightwing, He's got his back (His ass-who am I kidding? I might not be able to draw a focal point (don't ask why that came out as foecal), but I can spot 'em from pages away.
His firm, rounded, athletic ass is staring at you (it's at eye level), while he turns to talk over his shoulder, saying something entirely unmemorable.
Thank you D/C for trying to balance the scales. The playing field isn't remotely level, but with every new Nightbuttocks shot you're doing your bit.
That is the motivation, right?
In my head, Namor is the one-man Marvel Chippendale squad --is that accurate? If not, who is the man candy that gets posed for with the parallel androphile lechy gaze?
The Hawkeye Initiative.
Ahahaha, that's awesome.
Nightwing is, perhaps, the only character who is canonically able to do those poses, because of the flexibility and the acrobatics and the whatnot. Mostly the whatnot.
I believe "whatnot" translates to "fangirls". And I'm seriously okay with that.
Has anyone here read Mighty Skullboy Army? link Amazon says 12 and up, but I'm wondering if anyone thinks it would be inappropriate for a 10 year old? I picked up a reprint from my local comic store the other day, but I can return it if I need to.
Thank you D/C for trying to balance the scales. The playing field isn't remotely level, but with every new Nightbuttocks shot you're doing your bit.
I was playing Nightwing in Arkham City awhile back and the girlfriend stopped in the middle of what she was doing and commented on his fanservice-level. She had no point of reference for the character (I'm pretty sure this was prior to his appearance on Young Justice) but he immediately caught her attention.
Nightwing is, perhaps, the only character who is canonically able to do those poses
The things I'm thinking about are open to all--it's just that he's the only XY choosing so. This accompanied the fuckable list, and the other one that grabbed my attention this week is this. Whoa, dude. Warn a girl before throwing around your package like that.
As far as the canonically bendy goes, Spider-man is clearly more flexible than most of the Marvel universe, and you can tell that on every cover, but it's less sexualised that Nightwing clenching his glutes for the camera. There's clearly an air of other in with him, but if the DC artists only wanted to make Dick seem flexible, there's some male gymnast room inbetween zero and porn.
A friend of mine just posted to Facebook that she's watching the 60s Batman show and that she feels that it's a truer representation of the character. She feels the Nolan movies tried to hard to modernize him.
Excuse me while I pick up the pieces of my detonated head off the floor.