Cindy, yes.
Steph, I'm SO behind in my comics. I have a stack that dates back to NOVEMBER to read.
Blame the Ackles.
'Our Mrs. Reynolds'
Discussion of comics, graphic novels, and more. Except for capes. No capes!
Please use spoiler font for new releases until after the weekend following release.
Cindy, yes.
Steph, I'm SO behind in my comics. I have a stack that dates back to NOVEMBER to read.
Blame the Ackles.
I think it being Xander is too obvious based on the current issue.
Didn't that character specifically exclude him/herself as not qualifying?
Not, explicitly.
Amy says, "Any of you pros notice she's still asleep? She's living a nightmare, genius, and the only thing that can wak her up is the kiss of true love.
Later they have this exchange:
XANDER: So this doesn't have to be someone she's in love with.
AMY: No, I said. Just someone truly in love with her.
XANDER: But not friend-love.
AMY: Right. Someone who wants to kiss her, like, they're passionate about her.
XANDER: And not a sister.
AMY: Well, a twisted sister.
XANDER: HA! But no, I hate you.
XANDER (to the other slayers): Keep a guard on her and get our witches working on this "true love" crap.
AMY: It's real, Xander. Your star player's out unless she receives a kiss from someone passionately devoted to her.
AMY: Care to give it a whirl?
(close up on Xander's eye.)
That said, since it seems to be Spike in Buffy's dream, and Buffy is known to have prophetic dreams, who knows.
The line: XANDER: HA! But no, I hate you. Made me laugh and laugh
Me too, Nora.
and if I disapprove, I can assure you that I will make my feelings known
And if THAT doesn't work, she will LEAVE TEH INTERNETS FOREVER!!!!11111!!!!
And we'll be left to guess at her feelings for the rest of our lives? Oh, krewl intarwebs.
I'm guessing that Xander can't be the one to wake Buffy up because at the beginning of her dream when she kisses Xander his head pops off. And the way Amy kept egging Xander on made me wonder what the catch was? Maybe the spell kills the messenger if he doesn't truly love her? Kiss me, kill me? Dunno, I suck at analyzing dreams.
editted to flesh the idea out a little more.
I don't think that particular character kissing Buffy would indicate a potential hookup. Just that that character has those feelings for Buffy.
I think my favorite line in the whole issue was "There is no problem so big or complicated that it can't be blown up."
I share a little of Plei's meta issues, so Buffy's dream about Xander made me go "gggng". I really REALLY hope that he isn't the one to give her the Kiss of Twu Wuv. Of course, I also don't want that to be Spike, either. Mostly because in my heart of hearts, I want him to turn evil again and get back together with Dru.
The thing I'm sure none of the rest of you really noticed (or cared about): oooh, full-page ad for The Umbrella Academy! Gosh, I hope it's good, and that I'm not going to be getting it just because it's written by Gerard Way. I'd like to think I'm not that fan-girly.