I don't think she's seen Watchmen the movie. I'm running everything through her mom first.
Consuela, what's Digger?
P.-C., I'll check out the ones you rec.
Discussion of comics, graphic novels, and more. Except for capes. No capes!
Please use spoiler font for new releases until after the weekend following release.
I don't think she's seen Watchmen the movie. I'm running everything through her mom first.
Consuela, what's Digger?
P.-C., I'll check out the ones you rec.
She likes supernatural and horror.
I would recommend Morning Glories, although it's ongoing. Maybe The Umbrella Academy.
I suppose I should mention Dead@17 since it seems like it would appeal to her, but it's not that great, so there's that.
Clubbing is nice, though. Cute little short book. (And there is a supernatural element to it that's not immediately obvious, which is why I'm recommending it.)
Em does not like Stardust. Probably because her mom loves it.
Is her only experience with Stardust the movie? Because FWIW, I ... did not like the movie. At all. But I love the comic and the novel.
I second Scola's rec of Courtney Crumrin! It's a wonderful series.
Hmmm. Umbrella Academy?
Thanks for all the recs, I'll check them out. Beasts of Burden especially looks like something she'd like.
It may be a little sex-heavy at times, but Moore's Promethea is also an excellent read.
Is Promethea all collected in one book, perchance? I'd like to read that myself.
I think it's collected into several trades; the initial series ran 32 issues.