My current line of thinking is that Superman might be a boring character, except that from the point of view of the people around him, he's not. From Lois' point of view he's interesting, from Lex's point of view he's interesting, and from Jimmy's point of view he's interesting.
I think maybe Morrison gets this, to a certain degree, but I'm not sure who else does.
I'd recommend the 1986 mini-series The Man of Steel over All-Star Superman.
Paging Strega!! I just read Grant Morrison's run on Batman/Batman and Robin (along with Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader?, Arkham Asylum, and Azzarello and Bermejo's Joker). I agree with you on Damian Wayne; I recognized some of the panels that you had posted with glee. Let's talk!
Oooooooo. We should! When I am not so burned out? And maybe when I have gotten the Morrison run back from the friend I loaned them to? But I am totally in theoretically. Sorry, Let me nag my friend (who has own commitments so its not like I'm blaming him except I totally am, obviously?).
I guess: I'll try to find coherent thoughts soon. Right now I'm all, "Yeah I read that! I... don't remember the details. Ugh." So I'll try to be less useless ASAP. It's good to have goals.
I like this marketing decision by Marvel: [link] Despite it not really being "the most critically acclaimed stories", it is the most consistently expensive ones, and that's perhaps more important.
Why Spider-Man Is The Best Character Ever.
And maybe that's why I don't dig him as much as many others do? Because I liked high school? Can it really be that simple?
However, I'm not entirely sure there's still a through line of that metaphor in a more adult Spider-Man. I mean, I don't think there really should be--but what they posit for Batman and Superman would really always be true.
high school?
Well, there's high school, and then there's J J Jameson, and then there's Aunt May, who he loves, but can be kind of an emotional leech. And his best friend. And his girlfriends, who are awesome, but tend to get thrown off of bridges and shit.
And symbiotes, yo. And goddamn KRAVEN.
Oy, the fucking symbiotes. Everybody wants a piece of Peter Parker. Why can't they just leave him alone?
Just once I'd like to hear a henchman (or -woman) say "You know, Spider-Man is close friends with the Fantastic Four and pals around with the Avengers and Doctor Strange. Do you really think it's a good idea to be the person who finally does him in?"