I get that the pool they're looking for is about the 52 comics purchasers and how they feel about it. From the perspective of someone who's bought, I felt I got a lot of room to be specific about the titles I bought and those I intended to continue with, or not. There are a bunch of questions you couldn't have answered.
Other Media 2: It's Astounishing!
Discussion of comics, graphic novels, and more. Except for capes. No capes!
Please use spoiler font for new releases until after the weekend following release.
The really annoying thing about it is that DC sold so many comics this month, that this is going to be seen as a success. But Didio has done a really good job of alienating the fans, and alienating the talent; he's done some really major long-term damage to the brand. It may be years before it becomes apparent how bad the damage is. By then Didio will have been promoted or moved on, and he won't ever have to deal with the consequences of what he did.
It may be years before it becomes apparent how bad the damage is.
Do you think it'll be that long? I think there will be a steep drop-off in October -- I think the huge numbers in September were people who were curious about the reboot and collectors who wanted #1s.
I've heard several comic store owners worrying about December/January, because they think by then DC will have dropped several of the lowest-selling titles and the readers will have stopped buying a lot of them because they're crappy and the reboot was a poorly conceived gimmick in a panicked response to Marvel having almost 50% of the sales numbers.
the unquestionable success of the relaunch
How can you know that with the first month not even complete? Their plan cannot possibly be that shortsighted. If they are paying attention to survey results like mine, they'll get that I bought a lot more titles this month than I intended to keep up with. Even if I liked them all, I probably wouldn't have kept more than 4 or so. I doubt I'm that atypical.
I'm guessing that the short-term results will be a wash; DC's sales will go back to about the same as they were before. The real long term damage is all the old readers who have been turned off of DC forever, all of the new readers who have had all of their stereotypes about comics confirmed, and all the talent who will never work at DC again. That will take longer to play out.
I did the survey and said I bought a title when I hadn't. I was planning on starting to read just 1 title but after what they did I've decided not to.
So, I said that I've always been more of a Marvel fan, but I liked some of the DC characters and was going to use this reboot as a way to get back into DC comics. But with the changes to the female characters it felt like a big "No girls allowed" thing so I was going to oblige them and spend my money elsewhere. Like maybe spend more money at Marvel. (Not that I'm reading comics, it got to expensive because I kept buying more and more titles and back issues).
After the survey I realized it feels like the female characters went from being well rounded, interesting people to Real Dolls.
Young Justice: is Atemis' sister Cheshire?
Young Justice: is Atemis' sister Cheshire?
I haven't seen tonight's episode, but that's been my impression.
The real reason DC isn't acknowledging Steph as Robin in the reboot: Tiny clones of me, assemble!
The new DC is crisis free. Or something.