I don't think the article is slut-shaming at all.
The author was accused of slut-shaming with a previous piece. This article contains her rebuttal.
Discussion of comics, graphic novels, and more. Except for capes. No capes!
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I don't think the article is slut-shaming at all.
The author was accused of slut-shaming with a previous piece. This article contains her rebuttal.
Okay, I think I misunderstood what you posted. I thought that by
Interesting article about Catwoman and Starfire's sexual escapades. And why it's not slut-shaming.
you meant that the article was about how DC's current writing of Catwoman and Starfire isn't slut-shaming.
That's how I read it and was confused as well.
Sorry, the "it" was the article, not the women and DC's writing thereof.
I wonder if there are women with healthy sexual appetites not designed for the male gaze in the reboot. Jury's out on Batwoman for me, since her sexuality makes things different. Also, Wonder Woman is effective not of our culture.
A range of appetites, even.
Nice (and, I agree, depressing) article.
Random tangent, WTF is up with Red Hood's lower body in that action shot? It looks like he's wearing inflatable pants.
Random tangent, WTF is up with Red Hood's lower body in that action shot? It looks like he's wearing inflatable pants.
He is -- it's the bottom half of a fat suit dealie he was wearing as a disguise. Then he tore away the top half (or it exploded off of him; I can't quite remember) (I read the first half in the comic store and rolled my eyes so hard I had to put it down and just buy my damn Batman and leave).
Thanks for the explanation. I knew DC had hired Rob Liefield. Thought he might be to blame.
No, you can tell it wasn't Liefeld because the hands are actually drawn properly.
Ha. Our cartooning teacher that came out to work with the kids taught them that drawing hands and feet was really hard and if all else failed, make them stand behind a rock. And then he'd drawn something on the whiteboard that only had one arm, and was getting ready to erase it when the kids asserted that he needed to complete her other arm before he could erase her, so he put her standing behind a giant rock. Cartoonists are funny.
All else fails, learn to draw fucking hands and feet. Hands, especially can set the entire tone for a picture. Don't wimp out.