I also liked: "And Wonder Girl? Budget cuts have forced her to replace her golden lasso with Red Vines. They don't force you to tell the truth, but they are a delicious snack."
Other Media 2: It's Astounishing!
Discussion of comics, graphic novels, and more. Except for capes. No capes!
Please use spoiler font for new releases until after the weekend following release.
More and more I think this reboot is going to be a complete fiasco. It's going to make New Coke look like the unveiling of the iPad.
As I commented on Facebook, the best-case scenario would be for this to be a complete bomb, DiDio gets fired, and they hire Bruce Timm to be in charge of DC comics.
As I commented on Facebook, the best-case scenario would be for this to be a complete bomb, DiDio gets fired, and they hire Bruce Timm to be in charge of DC comics.
Yeah. That sounds like the logic of Nader supporters who thought it would be a good thing for Bush to get elected because it would energize the progressive movement and radicalize the country.
Never underestimate the kind of damage that can be done by people in power. Actually, we're about to see that very scenario unfold.
That costume for Harley is the ideal illustration for what they're doing wrong. They absolutely do not understand the value of their assets.
More and more I think this reboot is going to be a complete fiasco. It's going to make New Coke look like the unveiling of the iPad.
Oh Jesus, yes. Except I'm weak when it comes to Blue Beetle.
As I commented on Facebook, the best-case scenario would be for this to be a complete bomb, DiDio gets fired, and they hire Bruce Timm to be in charge of DC comics.
Bruce Timm in charge of DC Comics would give me a geekgasm.
So part of the rebranding is that DC now stands for "Deranged Costumes"?
Gene Colan was one of the key comic artists of my childhood. Though he did major work in the sixties (especially on Daredevil) I'll always associate him with the seventies and artists of that era like Berni Wrightson, Barry Windsor-Smith, Jim Starlin, and Paul Gulacy.
And Carmine Infantino.
I love Batman, but this still gave me a chuckle: [link]