Powers coming to FX: [link]
If they cast a fluffy blonde for Deena then I'll know it's going to tank.
Discussion of comics, graphic novels, and more. Except for capes. No capes!
Please use spoiler font for new releases until after the weekend following release.
Powers coming to FX: [link]
If they cast a fluffy blonde for Deena then I'll know it's going to tank.
In other news, if they fuck up Powers I WILL KILL SOMETHING.
Possibly a garden plant, but it's the thought that counts.
In other news, if they fuck up Powers I WILL KILL SOMETHING.
I'll help.
FX puts their stuff online, right? Every time I think I don't miss cable something like this pops up!
My contribution to HiLobrow's Kirb Your Enthusiasm is up. I wrote about Mister Miracle #9 ("Himon").
That was awesome, David.
Has anyone here bought the Buffy motion comics DVD? Are they worth it?
sj, I got it as a gift but haven't watched it yet. I'll watch it and let you know.
That was awesome, David.
Thanks, Tom. That three issue run of Mister Miracle (7-9) is my all-time favorite Kirby. Big Barda stomping around, knocking over entire buildings to take out bad guys, whipping the Furies into shape. All the fantastic, grotesque Apokolips villains: Dessaad, Granny Goodness, Mad Harriet. And then Scott's escape.
I can't look at Granny Goodness any more without hearing Ed Asner. Best voice casting ever.