I loved how animated Teen Titans worked Mallah/Brain into their storyline, hinting ever so discreetly at their relationship.
Pink Kryptonite should do a piece on Shore Leave from Venture Brothers. He started as just a Village People knockoff but he was so consistently funny and cool during the second half of last season, he was one of my favorite characters.
WTF, Marvel? WTF? [link] (Link is spoilery for Fantastic Four. No, not *last* week's spoiler; a new one.)
What? Is
Spider-Man the new Wolverine?
he on the Avengers? And the X-Men, randomly,
for some reason? Oh, Marvel. I am still miffed at you for giving Black Panther the
WTF, Marvel? WTF?
The big cover is...well, it looks like Thing is tossing a frisbee. But there are hexagons! So it's clearly the future.
The big cover is...well, it looks like Thing is tossing a frisbee.
You mean the cover where it looks like Thing is wearing ONLY boxer briefs? (Oddly, the boxer-brief cover is NOT the cover that I found disturbing, with the FLOATING ALIEN HEAD IN A JAR.*)
*(WTF, Marvel? WTF?)
Re: Young Justice
It's looking like you might be right, Scola. Though I hope the writers are trying to misdirect us and wouldn't be so obvious as to say
"There's a spy on the team"
right after
said spy joins the team.
So I'm hoping it's actually a different character.
Jack Kirby's granddaughter on Antiques Roadshow: [link]
I hope the writers are trying to misdirect us and wouldn't be so obvious.
I'm pretty sure that this is the case. Too obvious. My current line of thinking is that Artemis is
some run-of-the-mill villain who was sent to Justice Mountain by Bruce and Ollie as a superhero version of juvie detention
My second theory, which is more wishing than speculation, is that Artemis is actually
Wonder Girl, Cassie Sandsmark.
Scola, yeah, I'm not thinking the second theory is likely, though it would be fun. Your first theory makes a lot of sense.
I do think, though, that she and
Green Ninja Chick are sisters or otherwise related.
It might just be the art style but
they both have the same eyes and mouth.
Of course, if Artemis isn't
the spy, I've got to guess either Superboy or Aqualad
though the latter is only because I was accidently spoiled for his heritage.
Young Justice:
You know, I have to scratch my head at how often the team ends up scrapping with bad guys in their civilian clothes. (Twice so far.) I mean, granted, Miss Martian kind of gives them away, regardless, and Superboy and Aqualad don't bother to wear masks anyway, but I've got to imagine it's going to come back to haunt them at some point.
Speaking of which, I'm surprised Miss Martian doesn't adopt a non-green guise when they're out in public socially.
In addition, I'm kind of disappointed not a single person said
"Klarion... Bum... Bum... Bum... The Witch Boy"
I could have totally seen Wally saying it sarcastically and it would have been a nice little shout-out to the comics.