Wonder Woman Has Decided to Cosplay as 90s Superboy.
That is AWESOME.
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Wonder Woman Has Decided to Cosplay as 90s Superboy.
That is AWESOME.
I don't know why people think spandex leggings, a bustier and a cropped leather jacket is less trashy than her classic costume.
Probably because it's not a strapless swimsuit. Never underestimate not having to wax.
He added, “What woman only wears only one outfit for 60-plus years?”
Oh, for reals?
I hate the idea of her not being raised an Amazon. Back to the Perez reboot I loved so much--she was so delightfully alien. Not female Superman.
On the other hand... Rejected WW Origin Stories
And how many times has DC destroyed Themiscyra at this point? For some reason, that bothers me more than anything else.
Someone on LJ Dreamwidth referred to it as fridging a whole island.
Someone on LJ referred to it as fridging a whole island.
Gotta do *something* with the wimmins.
I got a copy of WW comic today.
The kids went insane and got tons of comics. I didn't get out of there for under $100.
Best costume reboot ever: punk Storm (Y/N)?
punk Storm
I certainly loved it. I still remember getting that issue and getting to that panel.